Journal Special Issue
Foreign Aid Heterogeneity

The present paper serves as an introduction to this special issue providing a justification for, and linking and introducing to the articles that follow. A central message emanating from the papers included in this special issue is that it is not sufficient to double aid efforts by simply raising and transferring more money. Substantial effort needs to be taken in order to delve deeper into the various routes and transmission mechanisms through which the various types of aid operate. And this is a timely as well as important issue in view of recent calls (as well as concerns) for another “big push” approach in development aid.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Foreign Aid Heterogeneity: Issues and Agenda
    George Mavrotas, Peter Nunnenkamp
  2. 2. Do Donors Target Aid in Line with the Millennium Development Goals?: A Sector Perspective of Aid Allocation
    Rainer Thiele, Peter Nunnenkamp, Axel Dreher
    More Working Paper | Do Donors Target Aid in Line with the Millennium Development Goals?
  3. 3. On the Impact of Foreign Aid in Education on Growth: How Relevant Is the Heterogeneity of Aid Flows and the Heterogeneity of Aid Recipients?
    Elizabeth Asiedu, Boaz Nandwa
    More Working Paper | The Impact of Foreign Aid in Education Growth
  4. 4. Does Aid Improve Public Service Delivery?
    Susanna Wolf
    More Working Paper | Does Aid Improve Public Service Delivery?
  5. 5. Child Mortality: Is Aid Fungibility in Pro-Poor Expenditure Sectors Decisive?
    Jan Pettersson
  6. 6. Project Assistance versus Budget Support: An Incentive-Theoretic Analysis of Aid Conditionality
    Sanjay Jain
  7. 7. Aid Modalities and Budgetary Response: Panel Data Evidence
    George Mavrotas, Bazoumana Ouattara
  8. 8. Aid Effectiveness, Debt Relief and Public Finance Response: Evidence from a Panel of HIPC Countries
    Danny Cassimon, Bjorn van Campenhout
    More Working Paper | Aid Effectiveness, Debt Relief and Public Finance Response
  9. 9. Loans or Grants?
    Daniel Cohen, Pierre Jacquet, Helmut Reisen
    More Working Paper | Loans or Grants?
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