The Developer’s Dilemma

Structural Transformation, Inequality Dynamics, and Inclusive Growth

The developer’s dilemma is thus: developing countries seek inclusive economic development — i.e., structural transformation — sufficiently broad-based to raise the income of the poor. Inclusive economic growth requires falling income inequality to maximise income growth at the lower end of the distribution.

Yet, this is at odds with Kuznets’ hypothesis that economic development puts upward pressure on income inequality — at least in the absence of countervailing policies. Our book explores the developer’s dilemma between structural transformation and income inequality.

The core questions of the book are: (i) What are the varieties of structural transformation experienced in developing countries? (ii) What inequality dynamics are associated with each variety? (iii) Which policies have been utilised to manage trade-offs between structural transformation, income inequality, and inclusive growth?

These are answered using a comparative case study approach, contrasting nine developing countries while employing a common analytical framework and a set of common datasets across the studies.

Table of contents
  1. 1. The developer’s dilemma
    Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Kunal Sen, Andy Sumner, Arief Anshory Yusuf
  2. 2. The developer’s dilemma: A survey of structural transformation and inequality dynamics
    Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Kyunghoon Kim, Kunal Sen, Andy Sumner, Arief Anshory Yusuf
    More Working Paper | The developer’s dilemma
    3. Structural transformation and inclusive growth: Kuznets’ ‘developer’s dilemma’ in Indonesia
    Kyunghoon Kim, Arriya Mungsunti, Andy Sumner, Arief Anshory Yusuf
    More Working Paper | Structural transformation and inclusive growth
  4. 4. Getting rich and unequal?: Structural transformation, inequality, and inclusive growth in China
    Yanan Li, Chunbing Xing
    More Working Paper | Structural transformation, inequality, and inclusive growth in China
  5. 5. Benign growth: Structural transformation and inclusive growth in Thailand
    Peter Warr, Waleerat Suphannachart
    More Working Paper | Benign growth
    6. Inclusive structural transformation in India: Past episodes and future trajectories
    Saon Ray, Sabyasachi Kar
    More Working Paper | Kuznets’ tension in India
  7. 7. The challenges of structural transformation, inequality dynamics, and inclusive growth in Bangladesh
    Selim Raihan, Sunera Saba Khan
    More Working Paper | Structural transformation, inequality dynamics, and inclusive growth in Bangladesh
    More Blog | The poorest countries attract few foreign investments
    8. Adverse political settlements: An impediment to structural transformation and inclusive growth in Ghana
    Robert Darko Osei, Richmond Atta-Ankomah, Monica P. Lambon-Quayefio
    More Working Paper | Structural transformation and inclusive growth in Ghana
  9. 9. Economic growth, rising inequality, and deindustrialisation: South Africa’s Kuznetsian tension
    Haroon Bhorat, Kezia Lilenstein, Morné Oosthuizen, François Steenkamp, Amy Thornton
    More Working Paper | Structural transformation, inequality, and inclusive growth in South Africa
    10. Inclusive growth without structural transformation?: The case of Brazil
    Sergio Firpo, Renan Pieri, Rafaela Nogueira
    More Working Paper | Inclusive growth without structural transformation?
  11. 11. Structural transformations and the lack of inclusive growth: The case of Chile
    Andrés Solimano, Gabriela Zapata-Román
    More Working Paper | Structural transformations and the lack of inclusive growth
    12. Leapfrogging into the unknown: The future of structural change in the developing world
    Lukas Schlogl
    More Working Paper | Leapfrogging into the unknown
  13. 13. The developer’s dilemma: Conclusions
    Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Kunal Sen, Andy Sumner, Arief Anshory Yusuf
Show all

Development has multiple objectives — pro-poor growth and equality top the list. Finding balance between growth and equality in economic transformation is necessary. Policy makers face difficult choices navigating long-term development objectives with limited resources and political support. This book explores countries’ experiences dealing with these dynamic objectives. The Kuznetsian dilemma between transforming the economy and inequality reiterates the need to complement structural transformation with redistributive policy instruments in social protection, health, education, and employment. Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia

The developer’s dilemma and challenge is how to achieve structural transformation towards a productive economy, ensuring equitable distribution of benefits from this transformation. The challenge has been posed by the greats of development economics from Simon Kuznets and Arthur Lewis onwards. This excellent volume presents detailed, country- and context-specific explorations of the dilemma and the challenge, concluding that government policies are essential to address the dilemma and to meet the challenge. The volume will be a great resource for researchers and policy analysts alike. Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University

This is an important book which challenges simplistic views about development trade-offs, giving a fascinating answer to a critical question facing development planners: does structural transformation inevitably increase inequality? Nine country studies explore relevant experience. No simple answers emerge, with many combinations of structural transformation and inequality. The book emphasises the critical importance of redistributive public policy if rising inequality is to be avoided. It should be read by every policy maker striving to control inequality and reduce poverty while promoting structural transformation. Frances Stewart, University of Oxford