Mozambique at a Fork in the Road

The Institutional Diagnostic Project

Few countries have experienced as many political and economic changes as Mozambique. A vast and diverse country, it faced a particularly difficult start after a long period of colonial dominance followed by a deadly war that formally ended only in 1992. However, despite impressive growth after multi-party elections, Mozambique's pattern of growth is fragmented, not sustainable and non-inclusive.

Investigating the deep factors that undermine economic development, Mozambique at a Fork in the Road offers an insightful analysis of the historical and political context of Mozambique and its institutional constraints to economic development.

It examines sectors that are critical for sustainable growth, such as agriculture, that receive low priority, and the frequent shocks in strategic policy that result in the absence of a clear national development vision. Building on a core set of thematic chapters, this compelling diagnostic tool provides a thorough and structured approach to understanding institutional dimensions of development. 

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction and Overview
    Ines A. Ferreira, Finn Tarp
  2. 2. Economic Development in Perspective
    António S. Cruz, Ines A. Ferreira, Johnny Flentø, Sam Jones, Finn Tarp
  3. 3. Institutional Performance: Perceptions of Institutional Constraints
    António S. Cruz, Ines A. Ferreira, Johnny Flentø, Finn Tarp
  4. 4. The Relative Neglect of Agriculture in Mozambique
    João Z. Carrilho, Ines A. Ferreira, Rui de Nazaré Ribeiro, Finn Tarp
    More Working Paper | The relative neglect of agriculture in Mozambique
  5. 5. Schooling without Learning: Institutional Causes
    Mouzinho Mário, Ricardo Santos, Celso M. Monjane
    More Working Paper | The education sector in Mozambique
  6. 6. Obstacles to the Provision of Healthcare Services
    Paulo Ivo Garrido
    More Working Paper | Health, development, and institutional factors
  7. 7. The Political Stakes of Decentralization
    Salvador Forquilha
    More Working Paper | Decentralization reforms in Mozambique
  8. 8. The Saga of Limits of Public Financial Management
    António S. Cruz, Ines A. Ferreira, Johnny Flentø, Finn Tarp, Mariam Umarji
    More Working Paper | The saga and limits of public financial management
  9. 9. Rule of Law and Judicial Independence: The Restricted Capacity of the Judicial System
    João Carlos Trindade
    More Working Paper | Rule of law and judicial independence
  10. 10. The Changing Dependence on Donor Countries
    Johnny Flentø, Leonardo Santos Simao
    More Working Paper | Donor relations and sovereignty
  11. 11. The Uncertain Development Impact of the Extraction Sector
    Jose Jaime Macuane, Carlos Muianga
    More Working Paper | Natural resources, institutions, and economic transformation in Mozambique
  12. 12. A Country at a Fork in the Road
    António S. Cruz, Ines A. Ferreira, Johnny Flentø, Finn Tarp
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