Looking back, moving forward – a photo retrospective of the 2019-23 WIDER Work Programme

As we conclude the groundbreaking years of the 2019–23 work programme on transforming economies, states, and societies, we reflect on the milestones achieved and anticipate the journey ahead.

In 2019, I assumed the role of Director at UNU-WIDER and initiated the planning of the new work programme. Building on the institute’s progress during Finn Tarp’s ten-year leadership, where we deepened our understanding of the causes of poverty and inequality, climate change, the roots of gender inequality, and the challenges of structural transformation for low-income countries, I faced a daunting task. However, I was thrilled at the opportunity. I asserted that economic progress must intertwine with political and social changes. Soon, we organized inception workshops to lay the foundation for the next five years of work.

Our next actions led to the most ambitious work programme UNU-WIDER had yet undertaken. I believe the challenge of development fundamentally involves transformation—bringing about broad-based sustained improvement in multiple dimensions of wellbeing necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This encompasses transformation in three different dimensions: economies, polities, and societies.

The photoblog below chronicles this transformative journey, providing a visual account of our research and impact on the ground. It covers the entire process, starting from inception to the development and strengthening of partnerships with governments and policymakers in the Global South. It touches on the publication of numerous working papers, journal articles, and books, as well as various events such as research presentations, panel discussions, five WIDER Development Conferences, and five WIDER Annual Lectures.

During this time, we’ve seen the continued engagement in data for development, with the launch of new SOUTHMOD models, the release of the WIID Companion, the WIID Explorer, the Economic Transformation Database—all free to use and hosted by UNU-WIDER, underscoring our commitment to providing valuable resources for analysis and Global Goal achievement.

As we approach the conclusion of this work programme, it's time to unveil our next chapter. The upcoming work programme will delve into three pivotal themes: enabling a just energy transition, reducing inequalities across and within countries, and building sustainable peace in conflict-affected states. These themes form the foundation of our commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Stay tuned as we capture moments of inspiration, collaboration, and progress, showcasing the resilience and dedication of individuals contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.



In the first year of the work programme, we began to provide the foundation for the research we would conduct in the following years. This resulted in numerous inception workshops for the projects in the work programme.

From 11–13 September 2019, UNU-WIDER, in partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), organized the first WIDER Development Conference of the new work programme and the country programmes, such as the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) and Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) projects continued.

Images from three different inception workshops held in February 2019 on capable states, informal sectors and  macro-drivers of structural change. Photos by UNU-WIDER
Images from three different inception workshops held in February 2019 on capable states, informal sectors and the macro-drivers of structural change.


Theory of change workshop held February 2019. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
Theory of change workshop held February 2019.


Public Forum on extractive industry and development 26 March 2019 held in Maputo, Mozambique, for the IGM project. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
Public Forum on extractive industry and development held 26 March 2019, in Maputo, Mozambique, for the IGM project. 


WIDER Development Conference Transforming economies – for better jobs held 11–13 September 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
WIDER Development Conference Transforming economies – for better jobs held 11–13 September 2019, in Bangkok, Thailand. 


UNU-WIDER, in collaboration with the Development Policy Research Unit at University of Cape Town, held a two-week intensive summer school on applied labour economics in November 2019. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
UNU-WIDER, in collaboration with the Development Policy Research Unit at University of Cape Town, held a two-week intensive summer school on applied labour economics in November 2019.



In the face of the unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, UNU-WIDER's resilience and adaptability came to the forefront in 2020. As we embarked on what was anticipated to be a milestone year—celebrating the 35th anniversary of our institute, the 45th birthday of the United Nations University (UNU), and marking 75 years of the UN—the global landscape quickly shifted, demanding our attention and immediate response.

The onset of the pandemic prompted a swift reevaluation of priorities and a recalibration of our approach. Rather than dwelling on cancellations and setbacks, we redirected our focus toward becoming a leading voice in COVID-19 research and policy recommendations. Despite the unavoidable cancellation of our annual WIDER Development Conference in 2020, our commitment to knowledge exchange and collaborative efforts remained unwavering as we pivoted to online modalities, even holding our first online WIDER Annual Lecture by Mark Malloch-Brown later that year. 

Joint research project on sustainable development in Tanzania from 24–25 February 2020. Photo by UNU-WIDER
Joint research project on sustainable development in Tanzania from 24–25 February 2020.


News article snippet from the Guardian. UNU-WIDER findings headline the Oxfam Media Briefing on a new economic rescue in advance of major IMF, World Bank, and G-20 meetings on the COVID-19 response. The study’s findings become the Guardian’s Top Story of the day on 9 April 2020. The study was subsequently cited in more than 300 unique media outlets. 


Screen capture of a podcast of a report.
The study’s co-author, Chris Hoy, is a guest on ‘Voice of America’, which reaches an audience of more than 240 million people weekly on 8 April 2020.


UNU-WIDER celebrates its 35th Anniversary with special issues of the WIDERAngle newsletter in October 2020. Image by UNU-WIDER.

UNU-WIDER celebrates its 35th Anniversary with special issues of the WIDERAngle newsletter in October 2020. 

Mozambique Institutional Diagnostic (MID) study report presentation on 4 November 2020.  Photo by UNU-WIDER.
Mozambique Institutional Diagnostic (MID) study report presentation on 4 November 2020. 



Third training on GHAMOD – a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Ghana held 9–11 March 2021. Photo by UNU-WIDER.


Third training on GHAMOD – a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Ghana held 9–11 March 2021. 

First-ever SOUTHMOD retreat for MOZMOD held 6–11 June 2021, in Macaneta, Mozambique. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
First-ever SOUTHMOD retreat for MOZMOD held 6–11 June 2021, in Macaneta, Mozambique. 


Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Zambia on 12 October 2021. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Zambia on 12 October 2021.


Seminar on Violence, Inequality, and Growth in Latin America on 16 November 2021 at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Photo by UNU-WIDER
Seminar on Violence, Inequality, and Growth in Latin America on 16 November 2021, at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.



In 2022 and 2023, UNU-WIDER evolved significantly, resumed in-person events and conferences, uptake events with partnering institutions and policymakers located globally, and offered dynamic presentations of our work programme research and findings.

Throughout 2022–23, our researchers actively presented their work at conferences and contributed to academic discourse. Key engagements in 2022 included resuming in-person training with customized SOUTHMOD simulation models, enabling exploration of diverse tax and social protection policy solutions. Rwanda joined our SOUTHMOD family, marking a new chapter.

Entering 2023, we began concluding work on the current work programme, synthesizing key results from the previous four years of dedicated research. On Thursday, 21 November 2023, UNU-WIDER signed a contract with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) for a research and capacity-building programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) to strengthen the knowledge base on tax through North–South–South partnerships.

Continuing progress on our country programmes and partnerships, in 2022, we launched the second phase of the SA-TIED programme, collaborating with the National Treasury of South Africa and welcoming the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office as a new partner. Our collaboration with the European Union endured, expanding our partnerships.

SA-TIED Phase II launch on 5 May 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
SA-TIED Phase II launch on 5 May 2022, in Pretoria, South Africa.


The first WIDER Development Conference of 2022, The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts, is held in Helsinki, Finland, on 16–17 May 2022. Photos by UNU-WIDER:
The first WIDER Development Conference of 2022, The puzzle of peace – towards inclusive development in fragile contexts, is held in Helsinki, Finland, on 16–17 May 2022.


Launch of the Uganda Revenue Authority secure research lab on 19 May 2022 in Kampala, Uganda. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Launch of the Uganda Revenue Authority secure research lab on 19 May 2022, in Kampala, Uganda.


The second WIDER Development Conference of 2022, Reducing inequality – the great challenge of our time, is held in partnership with UNIANDES, 5–7 October 2022, in Bogotá, Colombia. Photos by UNU-WIDER:
The second WIDER Development Conference of 2022, Reducing inequality – the great challenge of our time, is held in partnership with UNIANDES, 5–7 October 2022, in Bogotá, Colombia.


In 2022, UNU-WIDER launched an intensive winter school two-part course on tax policy research held online from 31 May–2 June 2022, and later 11–15 July 2022 in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
In 2022, UNU-WIDER launched an intensive winter school, a two-part course on tax policy research held online from 31 May–2 June 2022, and later 11–15 July 2022, in Stellenbosch, South Africa.


UNU-WIDER and the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT) convene a two-day conference on Debt and innovative finance in developing countries in Helsinki, Finland, on 27–28 October 2022. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
UNU-WIDER and the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies (BOFIT) convene a two-day conference on Debt and innovative finance in developing countries in Helsinki, Finland, on 27–28 October 2022.


Global Development Conference 2022 on Tax Policy for Sustainable Development, 2–4 November 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Global Development Conference 2022 on Tax Policy for Sustainable Development, 2–4 November 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France.


IGM Annual Conference 2022 on private sector dynamics and well-being held on 8 November 2022 in Maputo, Mozambique. Photos by UNU-WIDER.IGM Annual Conference 2022 on private sector dynamics and well-being held on 8 November 2022, in Maputo, Mozambique.



Conference on the effectiveness of development cooperation Brussels, Belgium, November 2022. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Conference on the effectiveness of development cooperation Brussels, Belgium, November 2022.


On 9 May 2023, UNU-WIDER hosts an event bringing together international academics and national government representatives from Finland and Ukraine to debate new research and current policy challenges in the stabilization, recovery, and reconstruction of Ukraine. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
On 9 May 2023, UNU-WIDER hosts an event bringing together international academics and national government representatives from Finland and Ukraine to debate new research and current policy challenges in the stabilization, recovery, and reconstruction of Ukraine.


First installment of SA-TIED and Econ3X3 policy debate ‘Rethinking traditional approaches to tackling unemployment in South Africa’ garners media attention and sparks engaging discourse on unemployment solutions in Pretoria, South Africa, on 26 June 2023. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
First installment of SA-TIED and Econ3X3 policy debate ‘Rethinking traditional approaches to tackling unemployment in South Africa’ garners media attention and sparks engaging discourse on unemployment solutions in Pretoria, South Africa, on 26 June 2023.


UNU-WIDER releases major report on peace, decent work, and greater equality synthesizing on the key findings of our 2019–2023 work programme on 22 August 2023. Image by UNU-WIDER.
UNU-WIDER releases major report on peace, decent work, and greater equality synthesizing on the key findings of our 2019–2023 work programme on 22 August 2023.


The WIDER Development Conference Revving up revenue for development – the role of domestic resource mobilization is held 6–8 September 2023, in Oslo, Norway. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
The WIDER Development Conference Revving up revenue for development – the role of domestic resource mobilization is held 6–8 September 2023, in Oslo, Norway.


On Friday 8 September, UNU-WIDER signed a new agreement with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), which confirms continued support to UNU-WIDER’s research and capacity development programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM). Photo by UNU-WIDER,
On Friday 8 September, UNU-WIDER signed a new agreement with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), which confirms continued support to UNU-WIDER’s research and capacity development programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM).


SA-TIED hosts special session at ESSA Biennial Conference from 12–14 September 2023 in Pretoria, South Africa. Photo by UNU-WIDER.

SA-TIED hosts special session at ESSA Biennial Conference from 12–14 September 2023 in Pretoria, South Africa.


UNU-WIDER and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) host joint event on synthesis findings called Accelerating progress towards decent work and fairer societies on 26 September 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand (photo credit UN ESCAP). Photo by UNU-WIDER.
UNU-WIDER and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) host joint event on synthesis findings called Accelerating progress towards decent work and fairer societies on 26 September 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand (photo credit UN ESCAP).


UNU-WIDER and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) host joint event on synthesis findings called Accelerating progress towards fairer societies on 4 October 2023, in New York City, US. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
UNU-WIDER and UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) host joint event on synthesis findings called Accelerating progress towards fairer societies on 4 October 2023, in New York City, US.


In October 2023 UNU-WIDER launces a new massive open online course (MOOC) – Decent work and economic growth: achieving SDG 8 – to provide an in-depth look at new UNU-WIDER research. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
In October 2023 UNU-WIDER launces a new massive open online course (MOOC) called 'Decent work and economic growth: achieving SDG 8' to provide an in-depth look at new UNU-WIDER research.


SA-TIED hosts first data lab roadshow at the University of Pretoria on 13 October 2023. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
SA-TIED hosts first data lab roadshow at the University of Pretoria on 13 October 2023.


Social protection event in Zambia on 2 November 2023. Photos by UNU-WIDER.

Social protection event in Zambia on 2 November 2023.

IGM Annual Conference 2023 on agricultural development in Mozambique held on 8 November 2023, in Maputo, Mozambique.. Photo by UNU-WIDER.
IGM Annual Conference 2023 on agricultural development in Mozambique held on 8 November 2023, in Maputo, Mozambique.


Tax policy dialogue on improved compliance and a renewed social contract for the SDGs on 10 November 2023, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Tax policy dialogue on improved compliance and a renewed social contract for the SDGs on 10 November 2023, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Findings presented from recent research based on Ugandan administrative tax data held 15 November 2023, in Kampala, Uganda. Photos by UNU-WIDER.
Findings presented from recent research based on Ugandan administrative tax data held 15 November 2023, in Kampala, Uganda.