Book Chapter
Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Vulnerable Livelihoods

Accounts from Residents of Cape Town’s Largest Township

This chapter studies the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdown measures for poor and vulnerable households in urban South Africa, drawing on accounts from residents of Khayelitsha—Cape Town’s largest township. The analysis identifies the decline in labour earnings and employment prospects as the main threat to livelihoods. 

Importantly, the economic vulnerability caused by the lapse of survivalist livelihood strategies, particularly in informal employment, was intensified by the covariate nature of the shock, rendering social networks and informal insurance mechanisms ineffective means of assistance. 

These combined factors have led to an increased reliance on government grants. While the expansions of social grants during the crisis played an indispensable role in sustaining a basic standard of living in the short term, for the millions of vulnerable South Africans whose livelihoods hang in the balance, an ambitious commitment by the state to confront mid- and long-term challenges will remain imperative.