Inequality and Social Structure During the Transition

Social structures undergo transformation with the transition to a market economy. This collection examines the role of inequality in the formation of economic elites and middle classes, as well as in the rise of poverty in transitional societies. Based on comparative analysis of social stratification, the contributors argue that the slowly reforming economies of the CIS had particularly high inequality and social polarization. Central Europe's transition countries have shown smaller increases in inequality. Many professional workers there have successfully entered the market economy. In contrast, a wealthy elite has emerged in Russia and other CIS countries amidst impoverishment and deprivation of a large part of the population. The book concludes with policy recommendation for social integration and social cohesion through investment in human capital and more effective public transfers.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Overview: Inequality and Transformation of Social Structures
    Vladimir Mikhalev
    More Working Paper | Inequality and Transformation of Social Structures in Transitional Economies
  2. Part I: Market Reforms, Income Distribution and Social Stratification
    2. Transition and Social Structures: General Determinants of the Change
    Timo Piirainen
  3. Part I: Market Reforms, Income Distribution and Social Stratification
    3. The Impact of Labour Markets: Social Mobility, Segmentation and Reranking
    Vladimir Gimpelson
  4. Part I: Market Reforms, Income Distribution and Social Stratification
    4. Winners of the Reforms: The New Economic and Political Elite
    Ivan Szelenyi, Christy Glass
  5. Part I: Market Reforms, Income Distribution and Social Stratification
    5. Middle Classes in the Making in Central and Eastern Europe
    György Lengyel, Peter Robert
  6. Part I: Market Reforms, Income Distribution and Social Stratification
    6. Lower Classes, Poverty and the Poor
    Alastair McAuley
  7. Part II: Structural Comparison of Inequality and Social Structures among Archetypal Country Case Studies
    7. Russia
    Nodari Simonia
  8. Part II: Structural Comparison of Inequality and Social Structures among Archetypal Country Case Studies
    8. Poland
    Jaroslaw Górniak
  9. Part II: Structural Comparison of Inequality and Social Structures among Archetypal Country Case Studies
    9. Czech Republic
    Jiri Vecernik
    More Working Paper | Communist and Transitory Income Distribution and Social Structure in the Czech Republic
  10. Part II: Structural Comparison of Inequality and Social Structures among Archetypal Country Case Studies
    10. Uzbekistan
    Richard Pomfret
    More Working Paper | Uzbekistan
  11. Part II: Structural Comparison of Inequality and Social Structures among Archetypal Country Case Studies
    11. Kyrgyzstan
    Vladimir Mikhalev, Georges Heinrich
    More Working Paper | Kyrgyzstan
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