Gender and Development in the Arab World - Women's Economic Participation

Patterns and Policies

This volume aims at remedying the relative dearth of studies addressing issues of women and development in Arab countries. One major concern of its authors is to improve the statistical information available by including the often omitted aspect of disaggregation by gender - an essential task if women's actual and potential contribution to development is to be assessed. This, in turn, requires improved statistical collection and empirical research on women's economic participation. These studies are also concerned to understand the structural features which may explain Arab women's varying labour-force participation rates and to dispel widespread stereotypes vis-a-vis their economic position.

Table of contents
  1. 1. Introduction and Overview
    Nabil F. Khoury, Valentine M. Moghadam
  2. 2. The Political Economy of Female Employment in the Arab Region
    Valentine M. Moghadam
  3. 3. Women as Mobilizers of Human Resources in Arab Countries
    Huda C. Zurayk, Fadia Saadeh
  4. 4. Women and Development in the Maghreb Countries
    Salma Galal
  5. 5. Women and Development in the Republic of Yemen
    Helen Lackner
  6. 6. Female Higher Education and Participation in the Labour Force in Lebanon
    Samih Boustani, Nada Mufarrej
  7. 7. Determinants of Female Labour-Force Participation in Jordan
    Hussein Shakhatreh
  8. 8. Measuring Female Labour Force with Emphasis on Egypt
    Richard Anker, Martha Anker
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