Social Corporatism

A Superior Economic System?

Distinct from both socialism and capitalism, social corporatism is defined in this book as an economic system in which the labor market is organized by centralized wage bargaining and is non-exclusive as well as egalitarian. The study focuses on the links between the degree of corporatism and macroeconomic performance.

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Table of contents
  1. 1. Social Corporatism and Economic Performance: Introduction and Conclusions
    Jukka Pekkarinen, Matti Pohjola, Robert Rowthorn
  2. 2. Lessons from ‘Corporatist’ Theorizations
    Göran Therborn
  3. 3. Corporatism and Wage Bargaining
    Matti Pohjola
  4. 4. Corporatism and Labour Market Performance
    Robert Rowthorn
  5. 5. Corporatism, Patterns of Employment, and Access to Consumption
    Andrew Glyn
  6. 6. Saving and Economic Growth from a Nordic Perspective
    Katri Kosonen
  7. 7. Social Corporatism and Long-Term Economic Performance
    Michael Landesmann, Juhana Vartiainen
  8. 8. Industrial Policies and Social Corporatism
    Michael Landesmann
  9. 9. Exchange Rate Policy and Employment in Small Open Economies
    Sixten Korkman
  10. 10. Corporatism and Economic Performance in Sweden, Norway, and Finland
    Jukka Pekkarinen
  11. 11. Corporatism: Success or Failure?: Austrian Experiences
    Alois Guger
  12. 12. The Swiss Model: Corporatism or Liberal Capitalism?
    Wolfgang Blass
  13. 13. The Unexpected Emergence of Australian Corporatism
    Robin Archer
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