Working Paper
Measured as Poor Versus Feeling Poor
In this paper, we compare subjective and money-metric measures of poverty in South Africa using data collected in the 2008/09 Living Conditions Survey. In addition to collecting detailed information on expenditure, the survey asked respondents to...
Working Paper
Regional Integration in Africa
Political motives, geography, and the uneven distribution of gains trumped the traditional efficiency gains across Africa’s Regional Economic Communities (RECs). The small, sparsely populated, fragmented, and often isolated economies across Africa...
Working Paper
Gender bias and the intrahousehold distribution of resources
This paper applies recent developments in collective model estimation to elicit the household resource sharing rule, i.e. the amount of household resources accruing to fathers, mothers, and their children among African families in South Africa. We...
Working Paper
Aid Effort and its Determinants
The paper empirically explores the factors that could have accounted for the generally declining aid effort (defined as the generosity ratio, or the share of GDP given as aid) of bilateral donors over the last three decades. Annual panel data over...
Working Paper
The Human Development Index Adjusted for Efficient Resource Utilization
The human development index (HDI) developed by the United Nations Development Programme is computed as the average of three equally weighted outcome measures: life expectancy (LI), educational attainment (EI) and income (WI). However, this...
Book Chapter
Regional Integration in Africa
From the book: Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics, Vol. 2.