
WIDER Alumni

UNU-WIDER provides alumni with an opportunity for lifelong engagement with the Institute and the growing WIDER community.

About WIDER Alumni

WIDER Alumni connects former UNU-WIDER PhD Fellows, Visiting scholars, research collaborators and personnel who share a unique and rich experience of learning and working together as the people behind the institute's research and operations.

Today, our alumni are located all around the globe. Many are researchers and academics at prestigious institutions, others are development professionals involved in policy processes. Meanwhile, many of our former operations personnel go on to work for various UN agencies, government offices, academic institutions, and NGOs.


Stay connected

Alumni can connect through WIDER Development Conferences and other events around the world, in Helsinki, and online. Through UNU-WIDER, alumni have access to valuable professional opportunities and career advice. Their stories are promoted through UNU-WIDER’s online articles, in blogs, and on the institute’s social media pages. They can also serve as alumni committee members and ambassadors as drivers of local activities and events.

If you are a UNU-WIDER alum who has spent time at UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, at our country offices, or has collaborated with us at a distance, we want to stay in touch.

We welcome you to visit this WIDER Alumni page regularly.  You can also keep in touch through LinkedIn, and through the Twitter hashtag #WIDERAlumni.

The UNU-WIDER Alumni Engagement Office is your contact point on all alumni activities. Send us an email to find out how to get involved and to update your profile details:

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    From UNU-WIDER to the world: Journeys in development economics

    ‘What makes UNU-WIDER a unique place for researchers is the sense of community and the combination of academic rigour, policy relevance, and position...

    WIDER Alumni Amadou Boly shares wisdom for next generation

    Amadou Boly is Special Assistant in the Economic Governance and Knowledge Management Complex at the African Development Bank (ADB). Before that, he...

    My journey from research assistant to the World Bank and Yale: How SA-TIED transformed my career

    When I began my role as a research assistant for the SA-TIED programme in January 2020, I didn’t know that it would lead me to such prestigious...

    Building connections that matter: UNU-WIDER Visiting PhD and Scholar programmes

    Every year about 20 visitors come to Helsinki to find a new home at UNU-WIDER in our Visiting Scholars and PhD Fellowship programmes. Although their...

    Truly one of a kind – SA-TIED’s Research Assistant programme

    Most jobs right out of university are either filled with busy work or too much work—very little time is available for gaining new skills. This early...

    From PhD Fellow to President: (of Colpensiones, Colombia’s public pension and social security administrator) – Juan Villa

    Four years ago, in 2014, Juan Villa spent three months at UNU-WIDER in our PhD Fellowship Programme. I spoke to him on a sunny September afternoon...

    UNU-WIDER in Ghana – An Interview with Wisdom Akpalu

    23 April 2014 Wisdom Akpalu joined UNU-WIDER as a Research Fellow based in Ghana in the beginning of 2014. Prior to joining the Institute he was an...

    From Helsinki to Hanoi – An Interview with UNU-WIDER Alumnus Aziz Karimov

    21 February 2014 Susan Servas An interview with WIDER alumnus, Aziz Karimov Every year UNU-WIDER hosts a number of PhD interns and young scholars from...

    Displaying 9 of 9 results