Working Paper
The Prospects for an Imminent Demographic Dividend in Africa
This paper looks at the prospects of a demographic dividend in Africa in the near future. While acknowledging that the fertility declines which change population age structures and thus dependency ratios have been slow to begin and often seem to have...
Working Paper
Determinants of Foreign Aid in Family Planning
The Mexico City Policy (MCP) prohibits the United States Agency for International Development from providing aid to international non-governmental organizations that provide abortion-related services. This paper employs a panel data of 151 developing...
Report from Gender Equality Results Meeting
Roger Williamson
January 2014
Roger Williamson The Danish State Secretary for Development Policy Charlotte Slente, welcomed the participants and contributors to the meeting and...
Journal Article
Motherhood and flexible jobs
Part of Journal Special Issue
Women’s Work
Working Paper
Motherhood and flexible jobs
We study the causal effect of motherhood on labour market outcomes in Latin America by adopting an event study approach around the birth of the first child based on panel data from national household surveys for Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Uruguay.Our...
Book Chapter
The Prospects for an Imminent Demographic Dividend in Africa
From the book: Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics, Vol. 2.
Journal Article
Social Transfer Programmes and School Enrolment in Malawi
This paper investigates the impact of social transfer programmes on school enrolment and child labour in Malawi utilizing a micro-simulation evaluation method. For this purpose, we simulate four hypothetical scenarios in which a household receives:...