What Did You Do in the Currency Wars? (Part II)
Tony Addison The present currency turmoil is both a product and a cause of profound changes now underway in the global economy. Part 1 of this two...
Tony Addison The present currency turmoil is both a product and a cause of profound changes now underway in the global economy. Part 1 of this two...
Tony Addison The present currency turmoil is both a symptom and a cause of profound changes now underway in the global economy. In part 1 of this two...
This special issue of the Journal of International Development presents the results of a study initiated two years ago by UNU/WIDER on `The impact of the liberalization of the exchange rate and financial markets in sub-Saharan Africa'. The project...
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. International financial crises...
Part of Book Resetting the International Monetary (Non)System
Part of Book Resetting the International Monetary (Non)System
Four "gaps" or restrictions on capacity growth -- from available saving and foreign exchange, investment demand (with crowding-in of private by public capital formation), and ex ante discrepancies between inflation rates needed on the one hand to...
by Charles Wyplosz With all the hype in Europe and on financial markets worldwide, what does the birth of the euro mean for the developing and...
by David FieldingMonetary Union in AfricaIn the last ten years, there has been much debate about the economic impact of monetary union, in which...
In 1959 the Netherlands discovered vast natural gas resources in the North Sea. This discovery led to a rapid increase in the country’s national wealth. However in the 1960s the Netherlands experienced an economic crisis. The natural gas reserves...
Part of Journal Special Issue Development Aid
Part of Journal Special Issue Development Aid
Part of Journal Special Issue FDI, Employment, and Growth in China and India
This paper provides a historical background to contemporary debates on the international monetary system: their genesis, similarities, and differences of problems it has faced at different times. It looks sequentially at the design of the Bretton...