Working Paper
The global consumption and income project
We introduce two separate datasets—the Global Consumption Dataset and the Global Income Dataset—containing an unprecedented portrait of consumption and income of persons over time, within and across countries, around the world. The benchmark version...
Aid, Growth, and Other Issues – An Interview with Finn Tarp
Roger Williamson
September 2014
11 September 2014 by Roger Williamson In this interview Finn Tarp, Director of UNU-WIDER, discusses the evidence uncovered in the aid and growth and...
Why is inequality in South Africa higher than in Germany?: Explaining income distributions with ‘decompositions’
Carlos Gradín
March 2020
The understanding of inequality requires the analysis of changes in income distributions across countries and over time as well as the identification...
Working Paper
Producing an Improved Geographic Profile of Poverty
This paper implements a methodology for estimating poverty in Ecuador, Madagascar and South Africa, at levels of disaggregation that to date have not generally been available. The methodology is based on a statistical procedure to combine household...
Gender and Development in the Arab World - Women's Economic Participation
This volume aims at remedying the relative dearth of studies addressing issues of women and development in Arab countries. One major concern of its authors is to improve the statistical information available by including the often omitted aspect of...
Gender and Development in the Arab World - Women's Economic Participation
This volume aims at remedying the relative dearth of studies addressing issues of women and development in Arab countries. One major concern of its authors is to improve the statistical information available by including the often omitted aspect of...
Growth Yes, but where’s the Transformation and Inclusion?
Roger Williamson
March 2014
26 March 2014 Roger Williamson Africa is growing, with The Economist noting that 6 out of 10 of the world’s fastest growing economies for 2000-10 were...
Global Inequality – What’s Going On?
Roger Williamson
September 2014
26 September 2014 Roger Williamson Huge interest in the WIDER Inequality Conference (5-6 September) Inequality is big news. Whether you think Thomas...
From the Editor’s Desk (September 2014)
29 September 2014 Tony Addison As the Finnish autumn embraces us, we can reflect on a very successful conference on ‘Inequality: Measurement, Trends...
Focus on Poverty: Big Data is no Shortcut to Equality
Roger Williamson
May 2014
27 May 2014 Roger Williamson For a school prize in the 1960s, I insisted on having a book on the revolution taking place in traditional social life...