Working Paper
Agriculture and Trade Opportunities for Tanzania
Given global heterogeneity in climate-induced agricultural variability, Tanzania has the potential to substantially increase its maize exports to other countries. If global maize production is lower than usual due to supply shocks in major exporting...
Working Paper
Power Ahead
Ethiopia is powering ahead with an ambitious energy development strategy, highly reliant on abundant hydropower potential. A changing climate, including uncertain water supply, however, may pose a salient challenge to meeting expected targets...
Working Paper
A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia
This study links a multi-sectoral regionalized dynamic computable general equilibrium model of Ethiopia with a system of country-specific hydrology, crop, road and hydropower engineering models to simulate the economic impacts of climate change...
Working Paper
What is the Aggregate Economic Rate of Return to Foreign Aid?
Does foreign aid promote aggregate economic growth? In contrast to widespread perceptions, academic studies of this question have been rapidly converging towards a positive answer. We employ a simulation approach to (i) validate the coherence of...
Working Paper
How Does Vietnam's Accession to the World Trade Organization Change the Spatial Incidence of Poverty?
Trade policies can promote aggregate efficiency, but the ensuing structural adjustments generally create both winners and losers. From an incomes perspective, trade liberalization can raise GDP per capita, but rates of emergence from poverty depend...
Working Paper
Globalization and Health
The last two decades of the twentieth century recorded a slowdown in health gains and widespread increases in health inequality across and within countries. The paper explores the causes of such trends on the basis of five main mortality models. To...
Working Paper
A Contract Perspective on the International Finance Facility
The present paper is a first attempt to develop a theoretical model using a short-term vis-à-vis long-term contract framework within which donor countries’ endorsement or rejection decision towards the recently proposed International Finance Facility...
Working Paper
Who Pays Indirect Taxes in Russia?
The interplay of a differentiated indirect tax structure and the variation in expenditure patterns across households, leads to a possibly unequal distribution of indirect tax liabilities across the population. This paper uses the ninth round of the...
Working Paper
A Stochastic Simulation Approach to Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Bangladesh
Climate change assessments often inadequately address uncertainty when estimating damages. Using a dynamic economy-wide model of Bangladesh, we estimate and decompose damages from historical climate variability and future anthropogenic climate change...
Working Paper
The Medium- and Long-term Effects of an Expansion of Education on Poverty in Côte d'Ivoire
I use a dynamic microsimulation model to analyse the distributional effects of an expansion of education in Côte d’Ivoire in the medium and long term. The simulations are performed in order to replicate several policies in force or subject to debate...
Working Paper
Assessing Poverty and Inequality at a Detailed Regional Level
During the past three years NATSEM has developed pathbreaking spatial microsimulation techniques, involving the creation of synthetic data about the socioeconomic characteristics of households at a detailed regional level. The data are potentially...