Working Paper
‘Rushing in where Angels Fear to Tread?’
In this paper I empirically investigate the early international entrepreneurship of indigenous Chinese firms using data on 3,948 firms surveyed by the World Bank in 2002-03. I find important differences in the extent and motivation of early...
Journal Special Issue
Fragility and Development in Small Island Developing States
In recent years there is a growing concern within the international donor community regarding the plight of a special group of countries labeled as 'Fragile States'. These states, which according to current donor lists currently numbers more than 40...
Working Paper
Early International Entrepreneurship in China
We use data on 3,948 Chinese firms obtained from the World Bank’s Investment Climate Private Enterprise Survey to investigate early international entrepreneurship (international new ventures) in China. The extent of early international...
Book Chapter
Determinants of Industrial Embeddedness :
Recent developments in policy initiatives as well as some current practical events have combined to put the spotlight on the issue of industrial embeddedness in sub-Saharan Africa. Though extant research documents some stylized facts, as determinants...
Working Paper
R&D (Re)location
The paper builds a framework for the analysis of research and development (R&D) offshoring and outsourcing that encompasses several strands of the economics literature. It surveys the predictions from key theoretical models advanced in the literature...
Working Paper
Trade Expansion of China and India
By exploring the export performances and specialization patterns of China and India, we assess their trade competitiveness and complementarity vis-à-vis each other as well as with the rest of the world. Our analysis indicates that (i) India faces...
Working Paper
Developing Ireland
This paper sets out to explain the factors behind Ireland’s exceptional period of economic growth from the early 1990s to the mid 2000s. It suggests that an unbending commitment to economic openness and an on-going effort to establish quality...
Journal Article
Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI in Asia
This paper argues that relative exchange rates between the host countries of foreign direct investment affect their competition for FDI. Specifically, if the host country currency appreciates against the source country's currency more than that of...
Working Paper
Developing and Harnessing Software Technology in the South
Software technology is gaining prominence in national information technology (IT) strategies due to its huge potential for socioeconomic development, particularly through the support it provides in the productive sectors of the economy, delivery of...
Working Paper
Foreign Direct Investment from China, India and South Africa in Sub-Saharan Africa
The burgeoning literature on outward foreign direct investment from emerging markets has largely focused on analysing the motives of investors as reported by parent companies. This paper, instead, focuses on firm-level investments originating from...
Working Paper
Globalization and Formal Sector Migration in Brazil
We use novel linked employer–employee data to study the relationship between globalization and formal sector interstate migration for Brazil. We estimate the worker’s multichoice migration problem and document that previously unobserved employer...
Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and Human Development
We provide a formal model of entrepreneurship in human development. The framework is provided by the capabilities approach (CA). Hence we extend not only the conceptualisation of entrepreneurship in development, but the reach of the CA into...
Working Paper
Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI
This paper analyses the role of exchange rates in the competition for FDI. Based on the assumption that two countries compete for FDI from the same source country, the paper shows explicitly that the relative FDI of one country is determined by the...
Working Paper
Non-Financial Corporate Risk Management and Exchange Rate Volatility in Latin America
This article studies the currency risk management of multinational companies with investments in Latin American countries. The analysis is centred on episodes of currency or financial shocks, searching into the behaviour of the financial management...
Journal Article
Are less developed countries more exposed to multinational tax avoidance?
This study uses a global dataset with information about 210,000 corporations in 142 countries to investigate whether tax avoidance by multinational firms is more prevalent in less-developed countries. The paper proposes a novel approach to studying...
Working Paper
Determinants of Industrial Embeddedness
Recent developments in policy initiatives as well as some current practical events have combined to put the spotlight on the issue of industrial embeddedness in sub-Saharan Africa. Though extant research documents some stylized facts, as determinants...
Working Paper
The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Developing Countries’ Terms of Trade
This paper first shows that important economic arguments in favor of the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis of falling terms of trade of developing countries have implicitly relied on the role of multinational corporations and foreign direct investment. As...
Working Paper
E-business and Export Behaviour
The paper identifies and analyses the factors that influenced the export performance of firms in the post-liberalization era of the Indian economy. The study is based on primary data collected from fifty-one firms located in the national capital...
Working Paper
Global Supply Chains in Chinese Industrialization
China has undergone remarkable economic growth spearheaded by industrialization. Chinese industry demands a wide variety of raw materials in increasing amounts in order to manufacture all kinds of products. Industrial demand exceeds domestic supply...
Working Paper
Indonesian Industrialization
This paper examines Indonesia’s industrialization performance and policies, including its latecomer status, its generally rapid growth since the mid-1960s, its pronounced policy and performance episodes, and its ambivalent embrace of globalization...
Multinational Tax Avoidance in Developing Countries
Niels Johannesen, Thomas Tørsløv, Ludvig Wier
April 2016
In recent years many global firms—including Starbucks, Google, and Amazon—have come under fire for avoiding paying taxes in one country by shifting...
Working Paper
Are less developed countries more exposed to multinational tax avoidance?
NOTE | Revised version May 2017 available. View and download the revised version. We use a global dataset with information on 210,000 corporations in 102 countries to investigate whether cross-border profit shifting by multinational firms is more...
Journal Article
Entrepreneurship and human development
We provide a formal model of entrepreneurship in human development. The framework is provided by the capabilities approach (CA). Hence we extend not only the conceptualisation of entrepreneurship in development, but the reach of the CA into...
Journal Article
The impact of transport costs on new venture internationalisation
This paper investigates the importance of transport costs in new venture internationalisation, i.e. of firms that start exporting before they are 3 years of age. It does so by merging two large international datasets, on the firm level (covering 49...