Redefining Poverty in China and India: What Does This Mean for the Fight Against Global Poverty? Part I
Tony Addison and Miguel Niño-Zarazúa China and India are making immense strides in development. Growth in both countries has been impressive. But...
Urbanization and Development in Asia: Linkages with Globalization and Migration
Lorraine Telfer-Taivainen
June 2012
Lorraine Telfer-Taivainen The Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary, was the venue for the launch on 16 June 2012 of the just...
Research Brief
Children’s nutrition status in Mozambique
Evidence obtained from detailed household surveys in Mozambique during the 2008-09 food price shock reveals just how pronounced the impact of food price inflation can be on children’s overall nutrition status. Moderate and severe underweight...
Working Paper
Economic Shocks, Impoverishment and Poverty-Related Mortality during the Eastern European Transition
This paper aims to assess the impact that the impoverishment process has had on IPD health dynamics and micronutrient-related morbidity via the changes which have occurred in food consumption in terms of average intake, its distribution and the...
Distributional Impacts of the 2008 Global Food Price Spike in Vietnam
Presented at: A Festschrift in Honor of Per Pinstrup-Andersen: New Direction in the Fight Against hunger and Malnutrition. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. Presentation See full programme New directions in the fight against hunger and...
Fri, 13 December 2013
Sat, 14 December 2013
Cornell University,
109 Tower Rd,
United States
Past event
Why Ending Malnutrition is a Quintessential 21st Century Development Goal
Lawrence Haddad
February 2015
In the run up to the announcement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) in September every development issue is clamouring for attention. The...
From the Editor's Desk (May 2015)
May is always a hopeful month. With 18 hours of daylight we are all perky—especially the seagulls who swarm around Helsinki harbour. Here at UNU-WIDER...
Research Brief
Curbing Early Childhood Undernutrition in Lower and Middle Income Countries
Under-nutrition is the single biggest cause of the global burden of disease, and many of those affected are children. Early childhood under-nutrition has severe consequences; it accounts for more than 35 per cent of deaths and another 35 per cent of...
WIDER Annual Lecture 18: Managing Structural Transformation
Roger Williamson
December 2014
18 December 2014 Roger Williamson At the UN headquarters in New York on 18 November 2014, Peter Timmer, emeritus professor from Harvard, showed how...