Working Paper
HIPC Debt Relief and Policy Reform Incentives
In this paper, I discuss the incentives that the HIPC Initiative could create in debtor countries in favour of economic adjustment and reform. The usual debt-overhang argument, stating that debt relief will increase the net benefits of reforms, needs...
Working Paper
Changing Approaches to Public Expenditure Management in Low-Income Aid Dependent Countries
The present paper critically examines how aid dependent low-income countries have approached the process of public expenditure management reform during the 1990s. It begins with an overview of broader public sector reform initiatives in LDCs which...
Launch of Special Rio+20 Journal Edition
Launch of special Rio+20 edition of Public Administration and Development on 'Public Administration and Sustainability: The Role of Public Institutions in Creating a Sustainable Future' may be freely downloaded from the journal's website.
Research Brief
The Development Process – Escaping the Capability Trap
Current development practice focuses too much on the form institutions take, at the expense of worrying about function. A focus on strict rules that aim to curb corruption and inefficiency can diminish the amount of experimentation and adaptation...
Research Brief
Barriers to Effective Civil Service Reform in Developing Countries
The civil service is the backbone of the state, and can either support or undermine a country’s entire system of governance. Donor’s recognize this important fact and have often tried to promote civil service reform in the countries they are...
Working Paper
The Risks to Education Systems from Design Mismatch and Global Isomorphism
The incredibly low levels of learning and the generally dysfunctional public sector schooling systems in many (though not all) developing countries are the result of a capability trap (Pritchett et al. 2010). Two phenomena reinforce persistent...
Working Paper
Explaining Positive Deviance in Public Sector Reforms in Development
Public sector reforms are commonplace in developing countries. Much of the literature about these reforms reflects on their failures. This paper asks about the successes and investigates which of two competing theories best explain why some reforms...
Working Paper
Measuring Government Performance in Public Opinion Surveys in Africa
In examining the study of government performance, this paper asks whether field experiments can improve the explanatory precision of results generated by public opinion surveys. Survey research on basic health and education services sub-Saharan...
Journal Special Issue
Aiding Government Effectiveness in Developing Countries
For more than two decades, addressing constraints to better governance in developing countries has been a priority issue for the international donor community. Recent changes to aid modalities have further prioritized the need for improving...
Working Paper
Governance and Policy in Africa
The recent emphasis on governance in Africa is unique in that it was initiated by donors and not by domestic leaders under pressure from their own constituencies. Thus while many countries have embraced the market economy and liberalized their...
Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and Quality of Institutions
Over the last few years we have observed a prominent flourishing of empirical studies on the determinants of new business creation and its effect on the economy. The present study focuses on an important determinant of entrepreneurship: the quality...