Fragility and Aid-What Works? New York, NY, USA
The UNU and UNU-WIDER event on ‘Fragility and Aid - What Works?’ on 25 October 2013, at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, draws on research from UNU-WIDER’s diverse global network with the aim of providing an opportunity for discussion of the issue of fragility and how the core challenges it poses can be addressed by the international development community in the post-2015 world.
Is Development cooperation still relevant in Africa? Lessons from UNU-WIDER research on aid effectiveness
A presentation by Finn Tarp, Director of UNU-WIDER at the 'Annual Meeting of Finnish Heads of Mission: Interdependence will come to the fore in global political changes'. For more information see here. Presentation slides here
Fri, 22 August 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Past event
Conference on aid - principles, policies and performance
Theme: 2006-07
Aid is one of the most challenging development issues facing the international community. There is now a pressing need to evaluate performance to date, and the future for aid in light of recent events such as the post-Monterrey consensus to...
Press Release: Nordic Ministers for Development Cooperation to Helsinki - Towards Closer Cooperation
Minister for International Development Pekka Haavisto has invited his Nordic colleagues to Helsinki on 13–14 March. The purpose of the meeting is to enhance Nordic cooperation on development policy issues. The participants in the meetings will be Minister for Foreign Affairs Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson (Iceland), Minister for Trade and Development Cooperation Mogens Jensen (Denmark), and State Secretaries Tanja Rasmusson (Sweden) and Hans Brattskar (Norway).
Finn Tarp Moderates Public Meeting on Nordic Development Cooperation
The Finnish Minister for International Development Pekka Haavisto invited his Nordic colleagues to Helsinki to discuss how to enhance cooperation on development policy issues.
Fragility and development
Theme: 2006-07
In recent years there is a growing concern within the international donor community regarding the plight of a special group of countries labeled as 'Fragile States'. These states, which according to current donor lists currently numbers more than 40...
Tackling gender inequality from all directions
Katrina Jurva
March 2017
Improving the position of women continues to be an important concern in development. As we strive to make better living standards possible for people...
Panel discussion
Rachel Gisselquist at Finland's Development Policy Days 2021
Rachel M. Gisselquist joins a panel discussion at the annual Development Policy Days event hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland. The event is held 9-10 November 2021 both online and at Finlandia Hall, Helsinki from 8:30 – 16:30. Rachel...
Tue, 9 November 2021
Wed, 10 November 2021
Past event
Working Paper
Unravelling aid funding
Development assistance funding by international donors is rarely channelled to/through local actors. While there are strong normative and practical arguments for localizing funding, progress has been piecemeal as donors are largely left to their own...
Unpacking 'country ownership': four messages from the field
Debapriya Bhattacharya, Towfiqul Islam Khan, Najeeba Mohammed Altaf
2023 November
The new and improved Global Partnership monitoring framework for effective development co-operation, launched in 2022, is now fully in motion, with...
Development aid cuts will hit fragile countries hard, could fuel violent conflict
Fragile and least developed countries have had their development assistance cut drastically, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation...
Working Paper
More information, better knowledge? The effects of information campaigns on aid beneficiaries’ knowledge of aid projects
Aid beneficiaries know very little about development interventions in their own communities. This lack of transparency and information is likely to reduce beneficiaries’ ability and willingness to become active in local development. It may also...
Four global problems that will be aggravated by the UK’s recent cuts to international aid
UK economic forecasts have improved markedly since the September 2022 mini-budget. The economic recession may now be more shallow and public borrowing...
Working Paper
Good for now but not forever: officials’ perspectives on the relevance of the effectiveness agenda and the need for change
This paper investigates whether the current effectiveness agenda—agreed during the 2011 Busan High Level Forum on Development Effectiveness—continues to define best practice in development amidst a rapidly changing development landscape. To do so, we...