Working Paper
Do fences make good neighbours?
India has employed a variety of military, political, and economic measures to combat the long running insurgency in Kashmir with little evidence on what contributes to stability in the region. This paper uses a variety of tests to detect structural...
Working Paper
New industrial policy and the extractive industries
Industrial policy is back. Advocates for industrial policy argue that the important question is not whether such policies should be applied at all, but how to design and implement them. For the extractive industries this development poses a challenge...
Working Paper
Inequality, good governance and endemic corruption
Can a society suffering contests between rich and poor achieve good governance in the face of endemic corruption? We examine a stylized poor state with weak institutions in which a ‘culture of evasion’ damages state authority. Many evade tax payments...
Working Paper
The role of governance and international norms in managing natural resources
The governance of natural resource wealth is widely considered to constitute a key determinant in whether the extraction of natural resources proves to be a blessing or a curse. What is meant by governance can span a wide range of components, while...
What role for East African hydrocarbons in the global economy post-Paris COP21?
Evelyn Dietsche
October 2017
Over the past decade significant hydrocarbon discoveries have been made across East Africa. Unsurprisingly, the respective governments countries have...
Working Paper
Governance and the reversal of women’s rights
States’ governance of gender is not unidirectional. In addition to ‘stagnation’ and ‘progress’, there can be an active reversal of rights already granted to women. Using the case of abortion rights in El Salvador, this paper investigates the...
Working Paper
What determines administrative capacity in developing countries?
While it is recognized that effective state institutions are pivotal for economic development, it is not well understood what their origins are and what explains their cross-country differences. We focus on budget institutions in developing economies...
Project meeting
Good aid in hard places: Learning from what has worked in fragile contexts
Governance & Fragility Governance has become a major concern for both donors and aid recipient countries since the late 1980s. Very poor quality governance is also one of the defining characteristics of state fragility, and social unrest and violence...
Thu, 12 December 2013
Fri, 13 December 2013
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Results meeting
Challenges in Fragility and Governance
Since the mid-1990s foreign aid has become increasingly concerned with fragility and governance. Given the acknowledgement of the role of the state in providing the conditions for peace, progress and prosperity, foreign aid has concentrated much...
Wed, 23 October 2013
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS),
Charlottehaven, 10 Hjørringgade, 2100,
Past event
Building state capability through Problem-Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA)
Theme: 2012-13
As a sub-component of the Research and Communication on Foreign Aid (ReCom) programme, the PDIA project feeds into the themes: governance and fragility & social sectors. An integral part of development is the expansion of capability of the state to...
Experimental and non-experimental methods to study government performance: contributions and limits
Theme: 2012-13
In recent years, field experiments using randomized trials have gained increasing popularity in the field of development economics. In particular, scholars have argued strongly for their use as the best means of identifying ‘what works’ in foreign...
Aid in a Post-2015 World
Now out the ReCom - Research and Communication on Foreign Aid programme summary which outlines 15 key findings relevant to the post-2015 agenda.
Fragile Development 2015-2030: Understanding how insecurity and poor governance will affect sustainable development
On 19th June UNU-WIDER Non-Resident Research Fellow Roger Williamson, participated in a panel entitled “Fragile Development 2015-2030: Understanding how insecurity and poor governance will affect sustainable development”. The panel was organized by...
Fri, 19 June 2015
Guoman Tower Hotel,
St Katharine's Way,
United Kingdom
Past event
Southern engines of global growth
Theme: 2006-07
The project centers on the inter-linkages between the major developing countries of Brazil, India, China and South Africa and the global economy, with a special emphasis on the implications of China’s growth on smaller economies and the rest of the...
Fragility and development
Theme: 2006-07
In recent years there is a growing concern within the international donor community regarding the plight of a special group of countries labeled as 'Fragile States'. These states, which according to current donor lists currently numbers more than 40...