Working Paper
The resettlement of Vietnamese refugees across Canada over three decades
Welcoming 60,000 Southeast Asian refugees in the 1979–80 period has become a celebrated part of Canada’s history, but the eventual integration of these refugees into Canadian society has received insufficient attention. This study provides a...
Working Paper
Settlement and labour force outcomes for Afghan immigrants and their children in Canada
Past research suggests that Afghan immigrants and their children face challenges in settlement, stemming from the impact of displacement, language barriers, poor health, limited education, limited knowledge of or access to services, and...
A WIDER perspective on migration
While many WIDER Development Conferences emerge from ongoing projects, our latest conference in October — ‘Migration and mobility: New frontiers for...
Working Paper
Following in their footsteps
The decision to migrate is often influenced by the experience of earlier migrants from one’s household. Earlier migrants provide information on likely opportunities and potential risks and can offer support at destination to later migrants. We...
Working Paper
The integration of Vietnamese refugees in London and the UK
The Vietnamese refugee experience in the UK has been characteristically different from the broader international flows of Vietnamese ‘boat people’ to the West. With no pre-existing Vietnamese community in the UK, largely composed of the rural poor...
Working Paper
Fiscal pressure of migration and horizontal fiscal inequality
This paper examines the patterns and trends in inter-state migration across Indian states and observes that migration is affected by demographic profile as well as the fiscal profile of states. Econometric estimation suggests that level of vertical...
Working Paper
Involuntary migration, context of reception, and social mobility
In this study, we examine the Vietnamese population of the United States as a case study in the integration of a refugee group in a host country. We approach this case in three parts. We first offer a brief review of Vietnamese refugee resettlement...
Working Paper
Invisible, successful, and divided
Until the 1970s, only 1000 Vietnamese lived in West and East Germany, most of them international students. West Germany, in particular, had not yet been confronted with non-European refugees. This changed after 1978 with the influx of around 35,000...
Migration and mobility - new frontiers for research and policy
Thu, 5 October 2017
Fri, 6 October 2017
ISSER Conference Hall,
P.O Box LG 74 Legon-Accra, Botanical Gardens Rd,
Past event
The root causes of large scale forced migration
Director Finn Tarp made a contribution on international migration in a policy seminar hosted by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Wed, 24 August 2016
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland,
Laivastokatu 22,
Past event
Fragility and development
Theme: 2006-07
In recent years there is a growing concern within the international donor community regarding the plight of a special group of countries labeled as 'Fragile States'. These states, which according to current donor lists currently numbers more than 40...
Working Paper
Migration and the autonomy of women left behind
This paper investigates the impact of migration of male household heads on the autonomy of their spouses. Using panel household survey data from Ethiopia, the methodology mainly relies on an instrumental variables approach that addresses the...
Simone Bertoli on co-residence patterns of the individuals left behind by the migrants and their analytical implications: evidence from Mexico
Simone Bertoli will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 18 September 2019. Abstract – Co-residence patterns of the individuals left behind by the migrants and their analytical implications: Evidence from Mexico Co-authors: Elsa Gautrain and Elie...
Wed, 18 September 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Oded Stark on a theory of migration as rank-seeking behavior
Oded Stark will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 23 October 2019. Abstract – A theory of migration as rank-seeking behavior By now there is widespread recognition that comparisons with others impinge significantly on wellbeing and elicit...
Wed, 23 October 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Migrant workers in the Covid-19 pandemic
Millions of migrant workers around the world provide valuable income for their families and contribute more broadly to the economies of both their...
Working Paper
The ethnographic approach to social mobility
The ethnographic approach has much to contribute to our understanding of social mobility.This paper provides a discussion on ethnography as a method and approach to writing and description, and reviews some ways in which themes related to social...