Previous versions of the WIID
WIID3.0 consists of a checked and corrected WIID2.0 and new estimates from National Survey statistics obtained from the respective country official websites, the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean, Transmonee, Luxembourg Income Study database, OECD and Eurostat.
Stephen Jenkins on the World Income Inequality Database
The Society for the Study of Economic Inequality has commissioned a series of papers appraising databases containing information about inequality in different countries and globally.These evaluations are forthcoming in a special issue of The Journal of Economic Inequality.
Updated Version of World Income Inequality Database now Freely Downloadable
The UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database (WIID) collects and stores data on income inequality for developed, developing, and transition countries.
Panel discussion
Open dialogue on inequality in the 21st century
Fri, 29 March 2019
Ex-Press Bar, Third Floor of the General Assembly, United Nations Headquarters,
1st Avenue at 46th Street,
New York,
United States
Past event
Project workshop
World Income Inequality Database (WIID) authors' workshop
UNU-WIDER's World Income Inequality Database research project holds a virtual workshop that brings together researchers selected under the project's open call for research proposals. The selected papers fulfill a project aim to improve understanding...
Mon, 4 July 2022
Tue, 5 July 2022
Past event
Working Paper
Investigating inequality trends in Africa
Work done by the African Centre of Excellence for Inequality Research (ACEIR) has documented the many-faceted nature of inequality in Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. Conventionally measured inequality ranges from moderate (in Ghana) to extremely high...
Working Paper
Understanding inequality and its evolution in Kenya
Globally, there are several initiatives being undertaken to ensure the availability of information across countries that can be used to analyse the inequality phenomenon in and among countries. The data are easily accessible for use in comparative...
Journal Article
Revisiting the trends in global inequality
The study analyses trends in global income distribution since 1950 using a new companion WIID dataset with standardized country income percentiles. It investigate the robustness of these trends with respect to key data choices, as well as the degree...
Working Paper
Inequality configurations
The notion of multidimensional inequality has attracted attention lately, but mostly as a micro approach to measuring inequality in well-being in a more complete way. We argue that considering inequality in a multidimensional way from a macro...
Is a strong middle class the secret to high levels of human development?
David Castells-Quintana, Carlos Gradín, Vicente Royuela
April 2023
Many countries today experience increasing or persistent income inequality, a major concern for citizens and politicians alike. This concern is...
Technical Note
WIID Companion (March 2021): data selection
This document is part of a series of technical notes describing the compilation of a new companion database that complements the World Income Inequality Database (WIID). It aims at facilitating the analysis of inequality as well as progress in...
Technical Note
WIID Companion (March 2021): integrated and standardized series
This document is part of a series of technical notes describing the compilation of a new companion database that complements the World Income Inequality Database. It aims at facilitating the analysis of inequality as well as progress in achieving the...
Technical Note
WIID Companion (March 2021): gobal income distribution
This document is part of a series of technical notes describing the compilation of a new companion database that complements the UNU-WIDER World Income Inequality Database. It aims at facilitating the analysis of inequality as well as progress in...
Working Paper
Trends in global inequality using a new integrated dataset
This paper presents preliminary evidence of the annual global income distribution since 1950 using a new integrated dataset that aggregates standardized country income distributions at the percentile level estimated from various sources in the World...
Technical Note
WIID Companion (May 2021): data selection
This document is part of a series of technical notes describing the compilation of a new companion database that complements the World Income Inequality Database (WIID). This technical note describes the first stage in constructing the new version...