Mini-documentary: Viet Nam’s data revolution is well on its way
Katrina Jurva
July 2017
The international community rarely calls for a revolution. In this case, it has. A data revolution, says UNU-WIDER Director Finn Tarp. Viet Nam has...
Taking steps to overcome inequality in South Africa
Carlos Gradín
June 2017
Engagement is needed at all levels to address ongoing inequality faced in South Africa. This was the primary aim of a recent policy seminar in...
Reflections on Transition: Twenty Years After The Fall of The Berlin Wall
Contact person Lorraine Telfer-Taivainen, Senior Editorial and Publishing Assistant Opening statement by President Václav Havel Reflections on Transition: Twenty Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall September 2009 WIDER Conference Photo gallery of...
Fri, 18 September 2009
Sat, 19 September 2009
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Network Angle: News from our Network
In the news this month, Kaushik Basu was appointed Chief Economist of the World Bank. Justin Yifu Lin founder and first director of the China Center for Economic Research (CCER) and Tilman Brück to Lead SIPRI in Stockholm The recent announcement by...
Panel discussion
Global Development Network 15th Annual Development Conference: Structural Transformation in Africa and Beyond
UNU-WIDER Special Session: Thursday 19 June, 2014, 16:00-17:30 Lessons from UNU-WIDER research: Research and Communication on Foreign Aid; Development Under Climate Change; and Learning to Compete
Thu, 19 June 2014
International Conference Centre,
Castle Rd,
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 18 - Managing Structural Transformation Post-2015
Tue, 18 November 2014
Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium,
New York,
United States
Past event
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 15 - New Structural Economics
Wed, 4 May 2011
Centro Internacional de Conferências Joaquim Chissano,
Avenida Marginal 4441,
Past event
WIDER Annual Lecture by Justin Yifu Lin
View the WIDER Annual Lecture on New Structural Economics.
Photos - AL15
Selection of images from the WIDER Annual Lecture 15.
Presentation - AL18
The WIDER Annual Lecture 18 was delivered on 18 November at the UN Headquarters in New York. The lecture, given by Professor Emeritus C. Peter Timmer of Harvard University, focused on the topic of structural transformation, especially within the...
Photos - AL18
Selection of images from the WIDER Annual Lecture 18.
WIDER Annual Lecture by C. Peter Timmer
View the WIDER Annual Lecture on Managing structural transformation post-2015.
Contributors - AL18
Short biographies of those who contributed to the event.
Policy seminar
Growth, Structural Transformation, and Rural Change in Vietnam: A Rising Dragon on the Move
Wed, 5 August 2015
Central Institute for Economic Management, Main Hall,
68 Phan Dinh Phung Str. Ba Dinh,
Past event
Multidimensional Child Poverty Assessment Methodology
The ‘Multidimensional Child Poverty Assessment Methodology’ seminar was held in Maputo on 8 July 2015. It was part of the UNU-WIDER Research Programme theme of Transformation organized in partnership with the Ministry of Economics and Finance of...
Wed, 8 July 2015
University Eduardo Mondlane,
Avenida do Zimbábwe,
Past event