The Middle East, North Africa, and climate change
Theme: 2010-11
Sustaining development in developing countries has never been as complicated a task as it is today in the face of a world characterized by tremendous competition over resources that are becoming scarcer. Climate change and its impact on water...
Annual Lecture
WIDER Annual Lecture 4 - Globalization and Appropriate Governance
Globalization has come in for indiscriminate attack from critics who do not distinguish between different types of globalization (e.g. freer trade, freer capital flows, freer direct investment, and freer immigration) or between very different but...
Mon, 27 November 2000
Assembly House of the Estates (Säätytalo),
Snellmaninkatu 9-11,
Past event
How Africa can fight the pandemic
Arkebe Oqubay
April 2020
The response to Africa’s COVID-19 plight must be swift and at scale rather than too little, too late. In a world short of progressive global...
Policy Brief
Migration governance in the Global South
Building knowledge about migration governance and policy in the Global South is a priority for research and policy. Migration is a defining feature of our time and one closely linked with processes of economic and political development. Sustainable...
Working Paper
Linkages and spillover effects of South African foreign direct investment in Botswana and Kenya
In recent decades, the impact of South African foreign direct investment in Africa has been captured by research and policy. This paper investigates linkages and spillover effects of South African foreign direct investment in Botswana and Kenya. The...
Symposium on the Interface of Academic Research and Government Policy
Fri, 6 December 2013
Wed, 11 December 2013
Oxford Department of International Development,
3 Mansfield Road,
United Kingdom
Past event