Working Paper
The use of social accountability mechanisms by Syrian diaspora organizations providing aid in the Syrian crisis
This paper presents data from a study of Syrian diaspora organizations providing assistance to conflict-affected Syrians in Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Using interview data from leaders in three Syrian diaspora non-profit...
Project meeting
Land Inequality, Conflict and Reform in LDCs
UNU-WIDER's Project Meeting with world-renowned experts on ‘Land Inequality, Conflict and Reform in LDCs’. This meeting is part of UNU-WIDER’s project focusing on evolution of land inequality and the role of policies concerning land rights, and...
Mon, 3 January 2011
Wed, 5 January 2011
Past event
Working Paper
Capturing economic and social benefits at the community level
Civil society organizations have played various roles in promoting the capture of benefits from and protection against the negative impacts of extractive industries. Payment disclosure is one potentially powerful tool for such organizations to...
Working Paper
Taxation and accountability in sub-Saharan Africa
Taxation can contribute to state-building through a tax bargain in which taxpayers are willing to increase compliance in return for improved government accountability. There is limited evidence for this in sub-Saharan Africa where it is argued that...
Working Paper
Tax and sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper establishes how accountability quality might mediate the effect of tax revenue on sustainable development in 41 sub-Saharan African countries for the period 1990–2019. The empirical evidence is based on three empirical strategies...
Abrams M.E. Tagem presents at the CERDI research seminar
UNU-WIDER Research Associate Abrams M.E. Tagem presents at the research seminar of the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI), on 5 December 2023 in Clermont-Ferrand, France.He presents the WIDER Working Paper...
Tue, 5 December 2023
26 avenue Léon Blum,
Past event