Project workshop
Workshop on the MicroZAMOD update in Zambia
Members of the International Labour Organization, Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR), UNU-WIDER's SOUTHMOD team, and the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZAMSTATS) meet in Livingstone, Zambia to further develop Zambia's tax and...
Mon, 27 May 2024
Thu, 30 May 2024
Protea Hotel,
Livingstone, Zambia,
Past event
Journal Article
Reducing delay in payments in welfare programs
This study assesses the impact of an information dissemination intervention on the local-level implementation of the rural public works program in India. One key feature of the intervention is to provide information to workers once their wages get...
Clientelism and targeting of welfare benefits: Can a centralized formula-based system do better?
Dilip Mookherjee, Anusha Nath
May 2023
Local governments in India—known as panchayats—are sometimes criticised for failing to deliver benefits earmarked for vulnerable regions or households...
Working Paper
Can information campaigns reduce last mile payment delays in public works programme?
Does information dissemination among beneficiaries of welfare programmes mitigate their implementation failures? We present experimental evidence in the context of a rural public works programme in India, where we assess the impact of an intervention...
Working Paper
Clientelism, public goods provision, and governance
It is widely believed that clientelism—the giving of material goods in return for electoral support—is associated with poorer development outcomes. However, systematic cross-country evidence on the deleterious effects of clientelism on development...
Working Paper
Technology and clientelist politics in India
This paper argues that new computer, smartphone, and universal ID technologies are reducing the incentives for political clientelism in the delivery of social programmes in India, especially by allowing party leaders to bypass local brokers to credit...
Journal Article
The social profitability of rural roads in a small open economy
The effects of a rural roads programme depend on labour mobility, how the programme is financed, and agglomera-tion economies. If financed by a rural poll tax and cross-price effects and agglomeration economies are sufficiently small, the wage will...
Working Paper
Rural roads and urban agglomeration economies
Do urban agglomeration economies enhance the social profitability of rural roads? When all goods are traded at parametric world prices, lower transport costs benefit villagers. Urban activities and welfare are unaffected if labour is immobile, but...