Working Paper
Development and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper puts sub-Saharan Africa’s economic development into perspective. While much did not go as hoped for at independence, much of the region has been on a more promising development trajectory since the mid-1990s, as we illustrate using growth...
Launch of Special Rio+20 Journal Edition
Launch of special Rio+20 edition of Public Administration and Development on 'Public Administration and Sustainability: The Role of Public Institutions in Creating a Sustainable Future' may be freely downloaded from the journal's website.
Urban Transport Systems
Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy - Parallel 2.1
UNU-WIDER International Development Conference in collaboration with the Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM): Institutional Reforms for Transformation, Inclusion, and Sustainability
Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and environmental sustainability are core 21st century development challenges in both low- and middle-income countries. Every country has its own institutional history with an evolving balance between the...
Sun, 29 June 2014
Mon, 30 June 2014
Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM),
68 Phan Đình Phùng, Quận Ba Đình,
Past event
The African Energy Futures project - an interview with Channing Arndt
Channing Arndt, in this interview, provides an introduction and overview into the project on 'African Energy Futures'. Africa is well endowed with sun, wind and hydropower – but these potential resources are unevenly distributed. This could, however...
Africa's energy futures
Theme: 2014-15
Working Paper
Towards contribution analysis
Since the early 1990s, at least 45 initiatives have been mounted to improve the environmental and social performance of the mining industry across the world. Many changes in the formal legal and regulatory systems have also been introduced. However...
Unlocking efficiency – overcoming challenges in South Africa's rail freight sector
Sarah Truen
July 2023
The South African rail freight sector is currently facing a crisis of operational efficiency, which is having a significant economic impact. In the...
Survival of the Greenest
The pathways to economic development are changing. Environmental sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity to maintain a competitive edge in the global economy. Just like in nature, where survival hinges on adaptation, this publication...
Working Paper
India’s development cooperation in Africa
This paper examines multiple facets of New Delhi’s development cooperation with countries in Africa and argues that grassroots organizations in India that find innovative, low-cost technological solutions to developmental challenges can help...
Climate resilience and sustainable sovereign debt
Leora Klapper
December 2022
2022 is already a record-breaker in the number of climate change-related events, and developing countries must now pay for the repairs and remediation...
Working Paper
Promoting environmental sustainability in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Tanzania
This study examines the interaction between formalization of the artisanal and small-scale mining subsector and the regulation of negative environmental impacts in Tanzania. Formalization generally seeks to move the artisanal and small-scale mining...
Working Paper
Good institutions and tax revenue outcomes in resource-rich countries
Developing countries that experience commodity booms struggle to mobilize sustainable tax revenues. Emerging literature on the subject notwithstanding, there is limited exploration of the specific types of institutions critical for improving fiscal...
Working Paper
Special economic zones and transnational zones as tools for Southern Africa’s growth
The paper evaluates strategies for developing successful special economic zones and transnational zones for Southern African countries to spur growth and employment. Most special economic zones implemented in Southern Africa have largely failed to...
Book Chapter
Development and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
When it comes to reporting on Africa, the international news media has, over time, delivered very mixed messages. Yet there are still many who characterize sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) as a region of hunger, economic crisis, and political unrest. Over...