Working Paper
Household bargaining and spending on children
This paper studies whether increasing the wife’s bargaining power results in couples allocating more resources to their child, and, if so, what the underlying mechanisms for this are. We conduct a novel between-subject lab experiment in Tanzania, in...
Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and human capital development in children
This paper explores the link between entrepreneurship and child human capital development. We specifically examine how operating a non-farm enterprise (NFE) as opposed to working in agriculture relates to child labour and schooling outcomes...
Working Paper
The counting approach to multidimensional poverty
This paper investigates the levels and evolution of poverty in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe using the decomposability properties of poverty measures based on a counting approach. We compare poverty measures such as the Alkire and Foster...
Working Paper
Formal education, malaria preventive behaviour, and children’s malarial status in Tanzania
In this study, we assess formal education as a causal determinant of women’s malaria preventive behaviour, as well as children’s risk of malaria infection. For identification, we rely on exogenous variation in educational attainment generated by...
Working Paper
The effects of land titling in Tanzania
We use household survey data to investigate the effects of formal, private property rights to agricultural land on agricultural investment, land valuation and access to credit in Tanzania. Results show that while there are no detectable effects of...
Working Paper
Tanzania—from mining to oil and gas
This paper extends UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2016/79, which examined the economic situation in Tanzania during the resurgence of gold and diamond production after 1999, with the situation that emerged as the country began to exploit its very large...
Policy workshop
Development finance - a role for foreign assistance
Has foreign aid boosted economic growth on average in developing countries? How and why is the aid landscape changing? What are the key strategic choices ahead for the development community? These and many other questions were discussed in a policy...
Mon, 8 June 2015
Danish Embassy,
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Third voice of social sciences international conference
The University of Dar es Salaam organized on 24-25 November 2016 a two-day conference with the theme 'Industrialization and social transformation: what is the role of social sciences?'
Thu, 24 November 2016
Fri, 25 November 2016
University of Dar es Salaam,
P.O. Box 35091,
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Working Paper
Employment and productivity growth in Tanzania’s service sector
Despite Tanzania’s rapid recent growth, the vast majority of employment creation has been in informal services. This paper addresses the role that different subsectors of formal and informal services have played in Tanzania’s growth. It finds that...
Working Paper
The impact of hosting refugees on the intra-household allocation of tasks
This paper examines whether the presence of refugees alters the intra-household allocation of tasks across genders in the hosting population. Using panel data (pre- and post-refugee inflow) from Kagera, a rural region of Tanzania, we find that the...
Working Paper
Agribusinesses, smallholder tenure security, and plot-level investments
The last decade has witnessed an increase in the interest in agricultural land in developing countries. While a great deal of attention has been paid to understanding the impacts of this increased interest in agricultural land, very little is known...
Tax data work in Tanzania presented at the Nordic Development Conference
Heikki Palviainen, Doctoral Researcher at the Tampere University, presented the collaborative research paper on the Effects of a Risk-based Approach to Tax Examinations in Tanzania, at the Nordic Development Conference (NCDE) on 16 June 2021. The...
Wed, 16 June 2021
Past event
Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä on social protection and gender in Tanzania
On 29 September 2021 UNU-WIDER researchers Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä give a presentation at the weekly online seminar of the Labour Institute for Economic Research. The topic of their presentation is Social protection and gender in Tanzania -...
Wed, 29 September 2021
Past event
Ayu Pratiwi and Milla Nyyssölä on land rights and inter-generational resource allocations in Tanzania
On 17 November 2021 Turku University researcher Ayu Pratiwi and UNU-WIDER Research Associate Milla Nyyssölä give a presentation at the weekly online seminar of the Labour Institute for Economic Research. The topic of their presentation is A long-term...
Wed, 17 November 2021
Past event