Working Paper
Weather shocks and child nutrition
In this paper, we examine the relationship between childhood exposure to adverse weather shocks and nutritional and health outcomes of children in Tanzania. Using household panel data matched with spatially disaggregated data on weather shocks, we...
Working Paper
A comparative study of export processing zones in the wake of the Sustainable Development Goals
The objective of this research is to assess the extent to which export processing zones in Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe integrate the Sustainable Development Goals in their implementation and operations. We focused on four Sustainable...
Working Paper
Trade effects of the East Africa Customs Union in Tanzania
By measuring the effects of forming and joining a regional integration bloc using an augmented structural gravity model, this paper finds that the East African Community (EAC) and EAC Customs Union have significantly enhanced Tanzanian trade into EAC...
Working Paper
Towards sustainable livelihood in the Tanzanian informal economy
In spite of having some intensive national strategies to address poverty, Tanzania lacks a coherent national strategy to ensure sustainable livelihoods for those working in its informal economy, of which street vending is an important sector. Based...
Promoting industrialization in Africa: Global versus regional value chains
Julian Boys, Antonio Andreoni
November 2020
As COVID-19 ravages international trade and production, policy-makers are shifting their sights from global value chains (GVCs) to regional value...
Working Paper
Long-run rural livelihood diversification in Kagera, Tanzania
What drives livelihood diversification among predominantly rural households in developing countries and how can welfare-enhancing patterns be established and sustained in the long run? A large literature has focused on whether income diversification...
Working Paper
Constraints on the performance and competitiveness of Tanzania’s manufacturing exports
This study sought to examine the main constraints to manufacturing export competitiveness in Tanzania. Using panel data for the period 1997–2018, the study established that supply-side factors dominate demand-side factors in explaining manufacturing...
Working Paper
Gender differences in formal wage employment in urban Tanzania
This paper uses the latest Tanzania labour force survey—the Integrated Labour Force Survey—and a censored bivariate probit model to analyse gender differences in labour force participation and gender bias in formal wage employment in urban Tanzania...
Working Paper
Effectiveness of strategic environmental assessment in promoting sustainable development in Tanzania
This paper examines the extent to which strategic environmental assessment (SEA) is implemented in Tanzania and whether its implementation is in line with generally practised procedures/criteria. Out of 17 completed SEA, eight cases were purposively...
Working Paper
Promoting environmental sustainability in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in Tanzania
This study examines the interaction between formalization of the artisanal and small-scale mining subsector and the regulation of negative environmental impacts in Tanzania. Formalization generally seeks to move the artisanal and small-scale mining...
Working Paper
The effects of a risk-based approach to tax examinations
While technical assistance and increased use of ICT in the area of tax administration have been regarded to hold considerable promise for greater revenue collection, the evidence on how these activities work in the real-world circumstances of...
Working Paper
Gender disparities in financial inclusion in Tanzania
Although Tanzania has made notable progress in enhancing access to financial services, the gender gap in financial inclusion persists. This paper examines gender disparities in financial inclusion in Tanzania using descriptive and regression analyses...
Finding keys for development in Africa
Economics researcher Aimable Nsabimana shares the relevance and inspiration behind his recent work with UNU-WIDER on climate change and human...
Working Paper
The informal sector and the safety of female traders in Tanzania
This paper assesses the participation of female traders, safety factors, and existing policies and legislation in the informal sector in Tanzania. Primary data were obtained from 11 in-depth interviews, 10 focused group discussions, and 236...
Working Paper
Improving young women’s working conditions in Tanzania’s urban food vending sector
In this paper, we investigate the working conditions of the young women working as assistants in the food vending sector in Tanzania using interviews and focus group discussions which are supplemented with quantitative survey. Data were collected in...
Technical Note
Exploring the quality of income data in two South African household surveys which underpin SAMOD
This note has set out several data processes that have been undertaken using the income data in dataset(s) that underpin SAMOD. Section 1 describes various data-cleaning steps that were undertaken when preparing the LCS 2014/15 as an underpinning...
Working Paper
Implementation of local content regulation
Based on a case study of an anonymous mining company in Tanzania, this study assesses the implementation of the local content (LC) regulations and guidelines in the country. The analysis focused on the key LC aspects of the direct workforce...
Working Paper
Household bargaining and spending on children
This paper studies whether increasing the wife’s bargaining power results in couples allocating more resources to their child, and, if so, what the underlying mechanisms for this are. We conduct a novel between-subject lab experiment in Tanzania, in...
Working Paper
The effects of land titling in Tanzania
We use household survey data to investigate the effects of formal, private property rights to agricultural land on agricultural investment, land valuation and access to credit in Tanzania. Results show that while there are no detectable effects of...
Working Paper
Tanzania—from mining to oil and gas
This paper extends UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2016/79, which examined the economic situation in Tanzania during the resurgence of gold and diamond production after 1999, with the situation that emerged as the country began to exploit its very large...
Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and human capital development in children
This paper explores the link between entrepreneurship and child human capital development. We specifically examine how operating a non-farm enterprise (NFE) as opposed to working in agriculture relates to child labour and schooling outcomes...
Working Paper
The counting approach to multidimensional poverty
This paper investigates the levels and evolution of poverty in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe using the decomposability properties of poverty measures based on a counting approach. We compare poverty measures such as the Alkire and Foster...
Working Paper
Formal education, malaria preventive behaviour, and children’s malarial status in Tanzania
In this study, we assess formal education as a causal determinant of women’s malaria preventive behaviour, as well as children’s risk of malaria infection. For identification, we rely on exogenous variation in educational attainment generated by...
Journal Article
The impact of intergovernmental transfers on local revenue generation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Do intergovernmental transfers reduce revenues collected by local government authorities (LGAs)? There is already a well-established body of literature in public finance, which argues that intergovernmental grants “crowd out” local revenues. Most...
Working Paper
Mobile phone use, productivity and labour market in Tanzania
Access to mobile phone has increased substantially over the last decade in sub-Saharan Africa. The evidence suggests that increased use of mobile phones in the region has upgraded the market prices received by producers for their cash crops, but so...
Working Paper
Agribusinesses, smallholder tenure security, and plot-level investments
The last decade has witnessed an increase in the interest in agricultural land in developing countries. While a great deal of attention has been paid to understanding the impacts of this increased interest in agricultural land, very little is known...
Working Paper
The impact of hosting refugees on the intra-household allocation of tasks
This paper examines whether the presence of refugees alters the intra-household allocation of tasks across genders in the hosting population. Using panel data (pre- and post-refugee inflow) from Kagera, a rural region of Tanzania, we find that the...
Working Paper
Employment and productivity growth in Tanzania’s service sector
Despite Tanzania’s rapid recent growth, the vast majority of employment creation has been in informal services. This paper addresses the role that different subsectors of formal and informal services have played in Tanzania’s growth. It finds that...
Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä on social protection and gender in Tanzania
On 29 September 2021 UNU-WIDER researchers Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä give a presentation at the weekly online seminar of the Labour Institute for Economic Research. The topic of their presentation is Social protection and gender in Tanzania -...
Wed, 29 September 2021
Past event
Ayu Pratiwi and Milla Nyyssölä on land rights and inter-generational resource allocations in Tanzania
On 17 November 2021 Turku University researcher Ayu Pratiwi and UNU-WIDER Research Associate Milla Nyyssölä give a presentation at the weekly online seminar of the Labour Institute for Economic Research. The topic of their presentation is A long-term...
Wed, 17 November 2021
Past event
Stata training for Domestic savings country authors
Capacity development on using Stata software is provided to the country authors of The domestic savings shortfall in developing countries – what can be done about it? project. The training is provided virtually by UNU-WIDER Research Associate Abrams...
Wed, 27 October 2021
Fri, 29 October 2021
Past event
Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä on social policy trajectories and women in Tanzania
The virtual conference Social Policy in Africa is organized 22-24 November 2021 by University of South Africa (UNISA) in the City of Tshwane in South Africa. On 22 November researchers Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä give a presentation in the...
Mon, 22 November 2021
South Africa
Past event
Fourth training on TAZMOD - a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Tanzania
As part of the SOUTHMOD project, the national team at University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with UNU-WIDER, and Southern African Social Policy Research Insights (SASPRI) organizes a training event on the TAZMOD model. This fourth training...
Tue, 30 November 2021
Thu, 2 December 2021
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Samwel J. Kabote and Jires Tunguhole on the determinants of clove exports in Zanzibar
Samwel J. Kabote and Jires Tunguhole give a presentation on 10 December at 10-11am (UTC+2) as part of the Sustainable development solutions for Tanzania – strengthening research to achieve SDGs project. The presentation is held as a webinar, in...
Fri, 10 December 2021
Past event
Tax data work in Tanzania presented at the Nordic Development Conference
Heikki Palviainen, Doctoral Researcher at the Tampere University, presented the collaborative research paper on the Effects of a Risk-based Approach to Tax Examinations in Tanzania, at the Nordic Development Conference (NCDE) on 16 June 2021. The...
Wed, 16 June 2021
Past event
Sixth training on TAZMOD - a tax-benefit microsimulation model for Tanzania
As part of the SOUTHMOD project, the national team at University of Dar es Salaam in collaboration with UNU-WIDER, and Southern African Social Policy Research Insights (SASPRI) organizes a training event on TAZMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation...
Wed, 25 October 2023
Fri, 27 October 2023
Golden Tulip Airport,
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Project meeting
Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Tanzania
As part of the Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data project, a work-in progress meeting is held in-person between UNU-WIDER and the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dar es Salaam 8-12 May 2023. The...
Mon, 8 May 2023
Fri, 12 May 2023
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Roosa Lambin and Milla Nyyssölä on examining Tanzanian health policies through a gender lens
The Innovation, Knowledge and Development (IKD) group of The Open University organises a one-day webinar on International Women's Day. The topic of the webinar is Health and care at the crossroads: evidencing gender impacts, campaigning for equality...
Wed, 8 March 2023
United Kingdom
Past event
SOUTHMOD presented at the European Conference for African Studies 2023
University of Cologne hosts the European Conference for African Studies on 31 May - 3 June 2023. The topic of this year's conference is 'African Futures'. Raphael Macha, a collaborator of UNU-WIDER's SOUTHMOD project in Tanzania presents a paper on...
Sat, 3 June 2023
Neues Seminargebäude, Seminarraum 26,
Past event
Rugazia Nyombi on rural economy diversification and its effects on food security
Rugazia Nyombi will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 6 November. Abstract - Rural economy Diversification and Its Effects on Food Security of Households in Tanzania Agriculture has for long dominated Tanzania’s rural economic setup with...
Wed, 6 November 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Project workshop
Work-in-progress meeting on tax research collaboration in Tanzania
As part of the Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data project, a work-in progress meeting was held in-person between UNU-WIDER and the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) in Dar es Salaam 9 May 2022. The...
Mon, 9 May 2022
TRA Headquarters,
Dar es Salaam,
Past event
Tax research for development – lessons from Tanzania
This project analyses administrative tax data in Tanzania to provide knowledge for better policymaking to mobilize public revenue for inclusive economic development.The project conducts new, policy-relevant research based on the empirical analysis of...
Working Paper
Exploring the quality of income data in two African household surveys for the purpose of tax-benefit microsimulation modelling
The quality of data on employment income is explored using Tanzanian and Zambian household survey datasets. The extent of missing and implausible income data is assessed and four different methods are applied to impute missing or implausible values...
Working Paper
Exploring options for a universal old age pension in Tanzania Mainland
The provision of a universal old age pension is increasingly recognized as an important instrument for strengthening and extending social protection. A growing number of emerging economies, including East African countries, are introducing universal...
Working Paper
Trade, technology, and absorptive capacity
Trade-linked technological change has potential to increase incomes in low-income countries (LICs). The most labour-intensive segments of the textiles and apparel global value chain are in LICs. However, gaps between available technologies and best...
Working Paper
Closing the gap
Innovation generally takes place in male-dominated industries. A gender gap might therefore exist. This study used data from the 2015 Tanzania Firm-Level Skills Survey to investigate the gender innovation gap between female-owned enterprises and male...
Working Paper
Income diversification and household welfare in Tanzania 2008–2013
This paper uses three waves of Tanzanian National Panel Surveys (2008/09, 2010/11, and 2012/13) to construct a panel from 3,676 households that appear in at least two waves to explore the effect of income diversification on household welfare measured...
Working Paper
Public debt sustainability and debt dynamics
Rising public debt in sub-Saharan Africa remains a matter of concern. We provide an analysis of public debt and debt sustainability in Tanzania, focusing on external debt. Though current and previous analyses using the IMF-World Bank debt...
Working Paper
Value chain directionality, upgrading, and industrial policy in the Tanzanian textile and apparel sectors
With recent changes in the global economy, policy makers are increasingly turning from global value chains to regional and national value chains as drivers of structural transformation in the global South. This paper examines economic and social...
Working Paper
Agricultural input subsidy and farmers outcomes in Tanzania
This paper examines the impact of the government input subsidy—the National Agriculture Input Voucher—on farmers’ production and welfare in Tanzania as well as the factors that influence agricultural production in the country. The analysis is based...
Working Paper
Assessing the distributional impact of lowering the value-added tax rate for standard-rated items in Tanzania and options for recouping revenue losses
This paper explores the distributional impact of lowering the value-added tax rate for standard-rated items in Tanzania Mainland. Using a static tax-benefit microsimulation model—TAZMOD—which is underpinned by data derived from the Household Budget...