Decent Work in the Era of Sustainable Development
What is the role of decent work in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era? This was the main topic of discussion in the seminar organized by the Global Sustainability Foundation and the Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland (SASK), which...
Mon, 13 June 2016
John Stenbergin ranta 6,
Past event
Sustainable cities discussion forum: SDG8
Tue, 31 May 2022
Helsinki City Hall,
Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13,
Past event
Decoding development – insights from UNU-WIDER's synthesis process and beyond
At UNU-WIDER, we undertake our work explicitly within the context of an emergent strategy designed to maximize the impact of our research findings. We...
How India’s economy has fared under ten years of Narendra Modi
More than 960 million Indians will head to the polls in the world’s biggest election between April 19 and early June. The ruling Bharatiya Janata...
UNU-WIDER’s new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) advances progress on SDG 8: Decent Work
UNU-WIDER’s 6-week online course on delivering Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG 8) brings together recent research on the linkages between economic...
Policy Brief
How to create decent work for women
Despite advancements for gender equality in some spheres, labour market outcomes for women continue to be worse than for men. Gender gaps in pay, labour force participation rates, and measures of job quality are stubbornly persistent and continue to...
Decent work – discussion on working conditions in Helsinki and globally
Kirsi Riipinen
June 2022
How committed is Helsinki to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals? The discussion forum at the City Hall on Tuesday addressed one of the...
Working Paper
Labour market projections and time allocation in Myanmar
Myanmar has, in recent years, strengthened its focus on human capital as a development pillar, and introduced legislation and adopted conventions on child labour. But child exploitation continues, including use of forced labour by the military and...
Working Paper
Labour conditions in regional versus global value chains
We explore how decent work varies across Southern Africa apparel firms participating in global value chains (GVCs) and regional value chains (RVCs), respectively. We draw on cross-section survey data from 135 workers in 31 firms across Eswatini and...
Decent work and COVID-19 – it’s time for a just deal for all workers
Seven months into the unprecedented crisis of COVID-19, we already see significant effects on employment and earnings worldwide. The fallout could see...
Five ways coronavirus is deepening global inequality
Before coronavirus, inequality was already increasing in many parts of the developing world. But the pandemic is going to greatly heighten existing...
COVID-19 intensifies global need to support informal workers in their struggle: Three guiding principles for a better deal
Martha Chen
August 2020
The world is facing an existential crisis that poses challenging questions: whether to put people and nature before owners of capital and technology...
Evidence for creating better jobs for the future: Report from the 2024 Jobs and Development Conference
With over 1.2 billion people expected to reach working age in the next decade, there is a dire need for the economy to support global employment...
UNU-WIDER at the 2024 Jobs for Development conference
Tue, 8 October 2024
Wed, 9 October 2024
The American University in Cairo,
AUC Ave, New Cairo 1, Cairo Governorate 11835,
Past event
Panel discussion
Towards peace and decent work in Africa: Accelerating progress on the SDGs
Thu, 26 October 2023
United Nations Conference Center,
Addis Ababa,
Past event
Kunal Sen on The Jobs Challenge in Asia and the Pacific
Kunal Sen joins the UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP) Economist Network webinar to present on the jobs challenge in Asia-Pacific. The webinar presents insights from the UNU-WIDER book Job Ladder.The webinar tackles the following...
Wed, 4 September 2024
Past event