15 UNU-WIDER articles, publications, projects, experts...
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Working Paper
Are there different spillover effects from cash transfers to men and women?This paper looks at the spillover effects of grants under the Youth Opportunities Programme (YOP) on human capital investments in conflict-affected Northern Uganda. The YOP grant was primarily aimed at providing start-up money to groups of...
Working Paper
Graduation from cash transfer programmesThis working paper examines the prevalence of humanitarian crises in Tanzania, their role in perpetuating poverty cycles, and how poverty graduation programmes mitigate these effects by building the resilience of ultra-poor households. We utilize a...
Working Paper
Distributional impacts of agricultural policies in ZambiaThis paper examines the distributional impacts of agricultural policies versus those of cash transfers using a tax–benefit microsimulation model for Zambia for the policy year 2020. The analysis also considers the behavioural impacts of input...
Direct support to small scale farmers reduces poverty: What Zambia is doing rightOver half of Zambia’s population lived below the national poverty line in 2015. In rural areas, where 89% of households are engaged in agriculture...
Working Paper
Cash grants to manufacturers after Cyclone IdaiIn March 2019, Cyclone Idai hit central Mozambique and caused widespread damage, including businesses in the enterprise sector. We use panel data and a randomized controlled trial to estimate the impact of unconditional cash grants on micro...
Working Paper
Winning or buying hearts and minds?This paper studies how household-level receipts of cash transfers affect political attitudes in Pakistan. The paper exploits the locally exogenous eligibility cut-off of the flagship Benazir Income Support Programme to estimate causal effects. The...
Book Chapter
Policy diffusion, domestic politics, and social assistance in Lesotho, 1998-2012Part of Book The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa
Book Chapter
The politics of promoting social cash transfers in ZambiaPart of Book The Politics of Social Protection in Eastern and Southern Africa
Working Paper
The role of social assistance in African crises: a systematic literature reviewThis systematic review examines the effectiveness of social assistance programmes in protecting households in Africa—a region highly vulnerable to climate change, conflict, and other shocks—during periods of crisis. Despite the significant increase...
Working Paper
Policy diffusion, domestic politics and social assistance in Lesotho, 1998–2012Lesotho is a small Southern African country that has introduced two national cash transfer programmes, the Old Age Pension and the Child Grant Programme. Although Lesotho has followed what has been called the ‘Southern African model’, the...
Working Paper
The politics of promoting social protection in ZambiaThis paper examines the rise of the social protection agenda in Zambia, and demonstrates that this has two alternative drivers: shifting dynamics within Zambia’s political settlement and the promotional efforts of a transnational policy coalition. We...
Working Paper
Cash transfers in Latin AmericaIn this paper, we present comparative evidence for eight Latin American countries regarding design and effects of cash transfers (CTs). On the basis of household survey data, we analyse their coverage, importance in household income, and effects on...
Working Paper
The politics of scaling up social protection in KenyaLiterature on social protection in Kenya shows progress in implementation of cash transfers but not the social health insurance scheme. With a dearth of explanation for this contrasting promotion of social protection, this paper examines the role of...