Journal Article
Extending multidimensional poverty identification
In the widely-used class of multidimensional poverty measures introduced by Alkire and Foster (2011), dimension-specific weights combined with a single cut-off parameter play a fundamental role in identifying who is multidimensionally poor. This...
Journal Article
Evolution of multidimensional poverty in crisis-ridden Mozambique
Mozambique experienced important reductions in the poverty rate until recently, before two major natural disasters hit, an armed insurgency stroke in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, and the country started suffering from a hidden debt crisis...
Working Paper
Multidimensional poverty in Vietnam
For years, the international development community has been considering poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon, which takes into account not only income or consumption of the poor, but also their access to basic needs (education, health, etc.) and...
Working Paper
Multidimensional poverty of children in Mozambique
We analyse the multidimensional wellbeing of children aged 0–17 in Mozambique and find that 46.3 per cent can be considered multidimensionally poor. A substantial divide exists between urban and rural areas and between northern and southern provinces...
Working Paper
Robustness tests for multidimensional poverty comparisons
This paper provides practical tests for the robustness of multidimensional comparisons of well-being. Focussing on counting-type multidimensional poverty measures, I draw on the properties of positive Boolean threshold functions to prove that the...
Working Paper
Living conditions and well-being
We here use five rounds of Afrobarometer data covering more than 100,000 individuals over the 2004-2016 period to explore the link between self-assessed measures of living conditions and objective measures of individual well-being (access to basic...
Working Paper
Counting-based multidimensional poverty identification
In the widely used class of multidimensional poverty measures introduced by Alkire and Foster (2011), dimension-specific weights combined with a single cut-off parameter play a fundamental role in identifying who is multidimensionally poor. This...
In the media
Researchers from the Inclusive Growth in Mozambique programme interviewed in Dimensions magazine
UNU-WIDER research fellow Vincenzo Salvucci, and Finório Castigo, a specialist from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique, were interviewed by Dimensions magazine on multidimensional poverty measurement. The article was published in...
Course on advanced poverty analysis
As part of the programme Inclusive Growth in Mozambique, researchers Vincenzo Salvucci and José Cardoso, will deliver a 5-day training course on advanced poverty analysis for officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Mozambique along with...
Mon, 4 March 2019
Fri, 8 March 2019
University of Eduardo Mondlane,
Past event
Working Paper
A human rights-consistent approach to multidimensional welfare measurement applied to sub-Saharan Africa
The rights-based approach to development targets progress towards the realization of 30 articles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Progress is frequently measured using the multidimensional poverty index. While elegant and...
Working Paper
Mapping deprivation in Mozambique
In this study we analyse the evolution of deprivation indicators and of a multidimensional poverty index using Mozambican census data for 1997 and 2007. We analyse deprivation levels according to eight different indicators reflecting housing...
Evolution of multidimensional poverty in crisis-ridden Mozambique
On 18 June 2020, researchers of the Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme, Eva-Maria Egger, Finn Tarp, and Vincenzo Salvucci, will present their current research.
Thu, 18 June 2020
Past event
Journal Article
Multidimensional poverty of children in Mozambique
We analyse the multidimensional wellbeing of children aged 0–17 in Mozambique and find that 46.3% can be considered multidimensionally poor. A substantial divide exists between urban and rural areas and between northern and southern provinces. We...
Working Paper
Evolution of multidimensional poverty in crisis-ridden Mozambique
Mozambique experienced important reduction in the poverty rate until recently, before two major natural disasters hit and the country started suffering from a hidden debt scandal with associated economic slowdown. As the last available national...