Working Paper
Maternal and neonatal services in Ethiopia
Problem: Maternal and neonatal mortality remains high in low- and middle-income countries, with poor quality of intrapartum care as a barrier to further progress. Approach: We developed and tested a method of measuring the quality of maternal and...
Working Paper
Industries without smokestacks
Although the manufacturing sector is known to have a unique role in structural transformation, the industries without smokestacks that include tradable services (e.g., IT, tourism, transport), horticulture, and agro-industry can provide new...
Fantu Cheru and Christopher Cramer on the Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian economy
Fantu Cheru and Christopher Cramer will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 04 December. Abstract – The Oxford Handbook of the Ethiopian economy Ethiopia has recently attracted research interest because of its unique development path and rapid...
Wed, 4 December 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Working Paper
Comparing the poverty-reduction efficiency of targeted versus universal benefits amid crises
This study evaluates which type of benefit—a universal benefit, a proxy mean-tested benefit, or a categorical benefit— better cushions the poverty effects of income shocks in a developing economy. We compare the effectiveness of the three benefit...
SOUTHMOD country report Ethiopia - ETMOD v3.1
This report documents ETMOD, the SOUTHMOD model developed for Ethiopia. The Ethiopian national team currently includes Adnan A. Shahir, Abas Mohammed Ali (Ministry of Planning and Development, Ethiopia), and Francesco Figari (University of Eastern...
Working Paper
Armed groups’ modes of local engagement and post-conflict (in)stability
What distinguishes post-war governments that succeed in establishing a stable political order and prevent recurring conflict from those that do not? This comparative study considers the specific threats that typically lead to the collapse of the post...
Working Paper
Measuring consumption over the phone
The paucity of reliable, timely household consumption data in many low- and middle-income countries has made it difficult to assess how global poverty has evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic. Standard poverty measurement requires collecting...
Working Paper
Trade liberalization, employment, and gender in Ethiopia
This paper analyses the impact of trade liberalization on local labour markets in Ethiopia, with a focus on the gender dimension of employment. By exploiting rich micro-level data on Ethiopian workers, we evaluate the effect of the Ethiopian trade...
Working Paper
Young women’s transitions from education to the labour market in Ethiopia
We investigate the causes of the gender disparity in labour market participation in Ethiopia using iterative quantitative and qualitative longitudinal analysis through the whole childhood of the individual into early adulthood, from age 8 up to age...
Working Paper
The dynamics of state–business relations between the Ethiopian state and Chinese private firms
Despite the Ethiopian government’s commitment to attracting foreign direct investment to its emerging manufacturing sector and its shared interests with Chinese private businesses in building profitable investments, relations between Chinese private...
Working Paper
Securing food, building livelihoods?
We assess the impact of a large-scale social protection intervention, Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), over a 15-year period. We find that the PSNP had a positive impact on food security but inconsistent impacts on assets. There...
Working Paper
Roads and jobs in Ethiopia
We look at how improving roads can affect jobs and structural transformation. We use a novel geocoded dataset covering the universe of Ethiopian roads and match this information with individual data to identify the effects of improvements in road...
Working Paper
The impact of remittances on household food security
While the volume of remittances to developing countries has been growing significantly over the years, the impact of remittances on food security has not received much attention. To bridge the gap this paper has examined the impact of remittances on...
Working Paper
Regional inequality of economic outcomes and opportunities in Ethiopia
This paper provides an informative picture of the extent of regional inequality of economic outcomes and opportunities in the pre-and post-reform Ethiopia. We start by presenting evidence that regional inequality in educational attainment, formal...
ETMOD retreat
The third training event on ETMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation model for Ethiopia, is organized as a five-day research retreat, intended to empower participants to use ETMOD to answer their own policy questions. The retreat is composed of two...
Mon, 15 May 2023
Fri, 19 May 2023
Addis Ababa,
Past event