Working Paper
Enhancing sustainable development from oil, gas, and mining
This paper outlines how sustainable development in resource-rich countries requires an ‘all of government’ approach as well as multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnerships between government, companies, and civil society organizations. Effective...
Cost reductions as a response to the end of the commodity price boom
Alan R. Roe
May 2017
The recent publication of the 3rd edition of ICMM’s The Role of Mining in National Economies (hereafter RoMiNE3) provides us with the welcome biennial...
Lower exploration spending – another response to the end of the commodity price boom
Alan R. Roe
May 2017
My previous blog, which you can read here, commented on the manner in which mining companies had been able to respond to the recent decline in metals...
Working Paper
Mining’s contribution to low- and middle-income economies
In several low- and middle-income countries with important extractive sectors, gross national income has developed favourably. Africa has benefitted most, particularly West Africa. This survey provides an up-to-date statistical analysis of the...
Working Paper
Tanzania—from mining to oil and gas
This paper extends UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2016/79, which examined the economic situation in Tanzania during the resurgence of gold and diamond production after 1999, with the situation that emerged as the country began to exploit its very large...
Working Paper
The impact of mining on spatial inequality
This paper investigates the relationship between mining and spatial inequality in Africa during 2001–12. The identification strategy is based on a unilateral causation between mining and district inequality. The findings show that when minerals are...
Working Paper
Towards contribution analysis
Since the early 1990s, at least 45 initiatives have been mounted to improve the environmental and social performance of the mining industry across the world. Many changes in the formal legal and regulatory systems have also been introduced. However...
Working Paper
The taxation of extractive industries
The taxation of the mining industry varies considerably from nation to nation. This paper reflects on the evolving use of various taxation approaches applied by governments to the mining sector. It includes a description of the principal tax types...
Working Paper
How do we legislate for improved community development?
A large mining project has the potential to be a partner in assisting local communities in their development efforts. Communities located in close proximity to a large mine have every right to expect that the project will benefit their community...
Policy seminar
Tony Addison at the 18th Plenary Meeting of the OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development
Tony Addison represents UNU-WIDER as one of the invited partner organizations and institutions in the OECD’s Policy Dialogue on Natural Resources Development, which will take place online on 27-28 June 2022. This dialogue is part of the OECD Strategy...
Mon, 27 June 2022
Tue, 28 June 2022
Past event
Working Paper
Extractive industries: imperatives, opportunities, and dilemmas in the net-zero transition
The extractives industries are highly controversial but remain vitally important in much of the developing world. This paper considers their role in reducing energy poverty and discusses scenarios for the future of the global markets for oil, gas...
Working Paper
Extractive industries: recognizing and managing the risks in resource-dependent economies
This paper analyses the risks facing resource-dependent countries. These include: (i) economic mismanagement (the ‘resource curse’); (ii) political mismanagement; (iii) environmental damage (climate change and the destruction of natural capital). It...
Working Paper
Extractive industries: enclaves or a means to transform economies?
This paper argues for a change in government attitudes to their extractive industries: as enclaves useful primarily as revenue sources. This is too narrow a perspective: it fails to recognize the broader economic linkages that are invariably possible...
Working Paper
Extractive industries: addressing transparency, corruption, and theft
This paper analyses the roles that states, civil society, and international actors can play in tackling the weak governance that sometimes leads to resources being used for private rather than public benefit. It discusses the corruption that bedevils...
Working Paper
Extractive industries: transforming states and improving economic management
While market mechanisms and private initiatives can deliver much for development, public action is also necessary to: maximize the economic benefits of the extractive industries; manage potentially large capital and revenues flows; minimize adverse...
Working Paper
Extractive industries: transforming companies for better development outcomes
Companies in the oil, gas, and mining sectors face ever intensifying scrutiny over their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices and impacts: from civil society but also from investment funds and other stakeholders with ESG mandates...