Working Paper
Party system institutionalization and reliance on personal income tax
This paper explores the effect of party system institutionalization on the reliance of tax systems on the personal income tax. As a first step, the paper re-examines the relationship between party system institutionalization and taxation patterns...
Working Paper
Fiscal capacity and social protection expenditure in developing nations
There is scant analysis on the causal relationship between fiscal capacity and social protection expenditure in the developing world. We investigate the causal relationship between fiscal capacity of the state and social protection expenditure...
Kunal Sen to present at TaxCapDev conference
UNU-WIDER Director Kunal Sen presents at the TaxCapDev conference Power and Politics – Perspectives on Taxation and State Building in Africa on 1-2 September 2022, held in Bergen, Norway. Kunal Sen will participate in two panels over the course of...
Thu, 1 September 2022
Fri, 2 September 2022
Terminus Hall, Grand Terminus Hotel,
Zander Kaaes gate 6,
Past event
Will a revenue boom support development in resource-rich economies?
The post-COVID-19 economic recovery and Russia’s war with Ukraine have caused some natural resource prices to reach new highs. Although forecasting...
Working Paper
What are the drivers of tax capacity in sub-Saharan Africa?
There is limited research on the underlying institutional framework of tax policy and capacity: how tax collection efficiency changes over time and the importance of institutional factors in this process.This paper fills this gap by devising a...
Inequality, fiscal space, and crisis response — A matter of priority, affordability, or both?
Annalena Oppel
October 2022
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, governments financed more than 5000 fiscal support policies worldwide in 2020–21. The pandemic response is an...
Tax revenues and tax capacity in sub-Saharan Africa
Abrams M.E. Tagem, Oliver Morrissey
August 2022
African countries raise lower amounts of tax as a share of national income (GDP) than other countries. Researchers are interested in understanding why...
Fiscal states in developing economies: Why do they matter and where do they come from?
Modern states are complex organizations which perform a broad range of functions. They have an important role in economic and human development. The...
State assigned property rights and revenue collection in sub-Saharan Africa
Marina Nistotskaya, Michelle D'Arcy
August 2022
Across sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries there are striking differences in citizen willingness to pay taxes. For example, in Mali, Senegal, and...
Working Paper
Fiscal capacity in non-democratic states: the origins and expansion of income tax
The origins of fiscal capacity have traditionally been linked to warfare and democratization. However, non-democratic states also invest in fiscal capacity, even in times of peace. In fact, the majority of income taxes—a cornerstone of government...
Working Paper
Taxless fiscal states
How do modern fiscal states arise? Perhaps the most dominant explanation, based on the European experience, is that democratic institutions that limited the extractive power of states—exemplified by the 1688 Glorious Revolution in England—paved the...
Working Paper
No taxation without informational foundation
This paper combines cross-national statistical analysis and in-depth historical case studies of Argentina and Chile to explore the relationship between two crucial dimensions of state capacity.We show that information capacity contributes to the...
Developing countries would benefit from improved tax collection: What can help?
The ability to raise revenues from taxes – called “fiscal capacity” – is a crucial aspect for the functioning of any state. Being able to tax citizens...