Working Paper
Community-based approaches for neonatal survival
Objective: To analyse the impact of community approaches to improving newborn health and survival in low-resource countries. Methods: We updated previous meta-analyses of published cluster randomized trials of community-based interventions for...
Journal Article
Associations between key intervention coverage and child mortality
Reducing child mortality remains a key objective in the Sustainable Development Goals. Although remarkable progress has been made with respect to under-5 mortality over the last 25 years, little is known regarding the relative contributions of public...
Working Paper
Development and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
This paper puts sub-Saharan Africa’s economic development into perspective. While much did not go as hoped for at independence, much of the region has been on a more promising development trajectory since the mid-1990s, as we illustrate using growth...
Working Paper
A human rights-consistent approach to multidimensional welfare measurement applied to sub-Saharan Africa
The rights-based approach to development targets progress towards the realization of 30 articles set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Progress is frequently measured using the multidimensional poverty index. While elegant and...
Working Paper
Female leaders and gender gaps within the firm
We study the association between the gender of the highest-ranking manager (the CEO) and gender differences in employees’ outcomes using detailed linked employer–employee data from the formal sector in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal. Our...
Jakob Svensson on the low quality trap: evidence from the market for maize in Uganda
Jakob Svensson will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 16 October 2019. Abstract - The low quality trap: evidence from the market for maize in Uganda Agriculture remains the main source of income for the large majority of the world’s poor. Yet...
Wed, 16 October 2019
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United States
Past event
Working Paper
Emerging public debt challenges in sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)’s public debt burden remains a challenge to development. Key drivers of public debt include large-scale financing of infrastructure development, adverse impact of multiple shocks including COVID-19 pandemic, maturity...
Working Paper
Taxation and accountability in sub-Saharan Africa
Taxation can contribute to state-building through a tax bargain in which taxpayers are willing to increase compliance in return for improved government accountability. There is limited evidence for this in sub-Saharan Africa where it is argued that...
Journal Article
The tax elasticity of formal work in sub-Saharan Africa
When seeking to increase their tax revenues, policy-makers face a likely tradeoff between decreasing personal income tax rates (making formalizing more attractive and potentially contributing to revenue) and alternatively raising tax rates...
Journal Article
The effects of taxation on income inequality in sub-Saharan Africa
ARTICLE IS ON EARLY VIEW | This study investigates the effects of taxation on income inequality in an unbalanced panel of 45 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1980–2018. We use two-stage least squares and the instrumental variables...
Book Chapter
Incorporating informal workers into social insurance in Tanzania
Public social insurance is part of the broader social protection “toolbox”, typically understood to comprise also social assistance measures (such as cash transfers, benefits in kind, fuel subsidies and so on), social services and public works (see...
Journal Article
Does connectivity reduce gender gaps in off-farm employment?
Gender gaps in labor force participation in developing countries persist despite income growth or structural change. We assess this persistence across economic geographies within countries, focusing on youth employment in off-farm wage jobs. We...