Working Paper
Are caste categories misleading?
This paper examines the relationship between caste and gender inequality in three states in India. When households are grouped using conventional, government-defined categories of caste we find patterns that are consistent with existing literature...
Working Paper
Settlement and labour force outcomes for Afghan immigrants and their children in Canada
Past research suggests that Afghan immigrants and their children face challenges in settlement, stemming from the impact of displacement, language barriers, poor health, limited education, limited knowledge of or access to services, and...
Working Paper
What did they say? Respondent identity, question framing, and the measurement of employment
Drawing from two labour market experiments in rural India, we offer insights on the influence of survey design on the measurement of employment. The first experiment contrasts self-reported estimates of employment with proxy-reported estimates from...
Motherhood and the gender gap in Latin America
Inés Berniell, Lucila Berniell, Dolores de la Mata, María Edo, Mariana Marchionni
March 2021
Gender gaps in labour supply, income, and wages are still large despite the remarkable convergence of roles of men and women in labour markets over...
Working Paper
Gender differences in formal wage employment in urban Tanzania
This paper uses the latest Tanzania labour force survey—the Integrated Labour Force Survey—and a censored bivariate probit model to analyse gender differences in labour force participation and gender bias in formal wage employment in urban Tanzania...
The labour market implications of COVID-19 for Bangladeshi women
Sayema Haque Bidisha, Avinno Faruk
July 2020
With the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Bangladesh on 8 March 2020 and the initiation of a lockdown on 26 March 2020,1 the livelihoods of a...
Barriers to opportunity for students in Mozambique: In their own words
Anna Schnupp
September 2020
Across Mozambique, 1,600 secondary school graduates from technical and vocational (TVET) institutes are being tracked as part of the school-to-work...
Working Paper
Distributional changes in the gender wage gap in the post-apartheid South African labour market
This paper investigates the evolution of the gender wage gap in South Africa, using the 1993–2015 Post-Apartheid Labour Market Series data set. The changes in the gap are heterogeneous across the wage distribution. There has been a substantial...
Research Brief
The gender wage gap in post-apartheid South Africa
The World Bank reports that the world loses US$160 trillion in human capital wealth due to gender wage inequality every year. Inequality is not just an issue of fairness. It is also undesirable because it hampers poverty reduction strategies and...