Previous versions of the WIID
WIID3.0 consists of a checked and corrected WIID2.0 and new estimates from National Survey statistics obtained from the respective country official websites, the Socio-Economic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean, Transmonee, Luxembourg Income Study database, OECD and Eurostat.
Conference session at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association conference
The changing nature of work and inequality project at UNU-WIDER will present recent research in a session at the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA-LAMES) Annual Meeting Bogotá 2021. About the session: The Changing Nature of...
Thu, 21 October 2021
Past event
SA-TIED work stream 4: Turning the tide on inequality
Under this work stream UNU-WIDER, the National Treasury (NT), and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) will work jointly to address distributional issues in both the bottom half and the top of the income distribution. While...
Ravi Pendakur on the impact of federal modern agreements on income inequality in Indigenous communities
Ravi Pendakur will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 8 November 2019. Abstract - The impact of federal modern agreements on income inequality in Indigenous communities In Canada, modern agreements allow Indigenous groups to govern their internal...
Fri, 8 November 2019
Marina Congress Center - Baltica Meeting Room,
Katajanokanlaituri 6 ,
Past event
Rekha Ravindran on the relationship between structural transformation and income inequality
Rekha Ravindran will present at the WIDER Seminar Series on 28 October. Abstract - The relationship between structural transformation and income inequality in developing economies Though industrialization is postulated as the traditional way out of...
Mon, 28 October 2019
Katajanokanlaituri 6 B,
Past event
Working Paper
Differences in inequality measurement
Over the years, money-metric measures of inequality such as the Gini coefficient and the Palma Ratio, as frequently used in Ghana, have become useful in providing quantitative measures of welfare distribution that enable a better understanding of the...
Working Paper
Financial reforms and income inequality: evidence from developing countries
The current context of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the most vulnerable socio-economic groups to greater financial risk and thus could lead to exacerbating income inequality. The crisis creates an opportunity to demand further structural and...
Working Paper
Taxing top incomes in the emerging world
Rising levels of income inequality and tight government budgets have spurred discussions in many developing nations about how to appropriately tax high-income earners. In this paper, we study taxpayer responses to an increase in the top marginal tax...
Journal Article
Revisiting the trends in global inequality
The study analyses trends in global income distribution since 1950 using a new companion WIID dataset with standardized country income percentiles. It investigate the robustness of these trends with respect to key data choices, as well as the degree...
Working Paper
Income inequality in South Africa
We use individual-level tax administrative data to estimate personal income inequality among the tax-compliant population in South Africa over the period 2011–21. Our results indicate that inequality of this population rose slightly over the period...
Working Paper
Construction productivity and global inequality
Two well established stylized facts of economic development are a strong correlation between investment and income, and large differences in investment rates across countries. Construction is the largest component of investment. This paper examines...
Journal Article
Distributional effects of structural reforms in developing countries
This study examines the redistributive effects of financial liberalization, including domestic and external finance reforms, implemented in 64 emerging and low-income countries over the past four decades. To identify these effects, we employ a...
Journal Article
The effects of taxation on income inequality in sub-Saharan Africa
ARTICLE IS ON EARLY VIEW | This study investigates the effects of taxation on income inequality in an unbalanced panel of 45 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa over the period 1980–2018. We use two-stage least squares and the instrumental variables...
Technical Note
Full-year adjustment for modelling COVID-19 policies in SOUTHMOD tax-benefit microsimulation models
This technical note presents a modelling approach used in Lastunen et al. (2021) where tax and benefit policies are scaled to reflect their actual duration during a single calendar year. It can be applied to tax-benefit microsimulation models...