Working Paper
Estimating the scale of profit shifting and tax revenue losses related to foreign direct investment
Governments’ revenues are lower when multinational enterprises avoid paying corporate income tax by shifting their profits to tax havens. In this paper, we ask which countries’ tax revenues are affected most by this tax avoidance and how much. To...
Working Paper
Global minimum corporate income tax
This paper simulates the impact of the global minimum corporate tax rate (GMCTR) in Uganda by estimating the difference between the mechanical and the behavioural changes in tax revenue. Overall, implementation of GMCTR will increase tax revenue, and...
How multinationals continue to avoid paying hundreds of billions of dollars in tax: New research
Miroslav Palanský
October 2019
Tax havens have become a defining feature of the global financial system. Multinational companies can use various schemes to avoid paying taxes in...
Working Paper
Intended and unintended consequences of anti-avoidance rules
Aggressive profit shifting by multinational enterprises (MNEs) is a growing concern for domestic resource mobilization in developing economies. This paper evaluates the revenue and welfare consequences of a flagship tax avoidance rule that has been...