Working Paper
Estimating the value-added tax gap in Tanzania
This study measures the VAT compliance gap for small and medium-sized entities in Tanzania. Specifically, the study measures the under-reporting component of the VAT compliance gap. This study uses VAT declaration and audit data to conduct a bottom...
Technical Note
Un guide pratique pour l’estimation des écarts fiscaux selon une approche 'bottom-up'
Cette note technique concerne le guide pratique sur les écarts fiscaux, qui comprend un code (fichier Stata) et un fichier README (comment exécuter le code). La note décrit la littérature et la méthodologie derrière le développement du guide. Ce...
Technical Note
Toolkit para la estimación de brechas tributarias mediante un enfoque ascendente
La presente nota se refiere al toolkit para la estimación de brechas tributarias, que incluye el código (archivos DO de Stata) y el archivo README (instrucciones para ejecutar el código). Esta nota describe la bibliografía y la metodología que...
Technical Note
Conjunto de ferramentas para a estimativa das lacunas fiscais, utilizando uma abordagem ascendente
Esta nota técnica diz respeito ao conjunto de ferramentas sobre as disparidades fiscais, que inclui código (o do-file do Stata) e um arquivo README (como executar o código). A nota técnica descreve a literatura e a metodologia subjacentes ao...
Journal Article
Bridging the gap: unveiling the potential of Tanzania’s SMEs through VAT insights
The collection of value added tax (VAT) is essential for achieving domestic revenue objectives, yet VAT gap estimation is rarely performed in developing countries. This study utilizes innovative tax declaration and audit data to estimate VAT...
Working Paper
Estimating tax gaps in Zambia
Assessing tax gaps—the difference between the potential and actual taxes raised—plays a vital role in achieving positive domestic revenue objectives through improved and reformed taxation. This is particularly pertinent for growth outcomes in...
Technical Note
Toolkit for the estimation of tax gaps using a bottom-up approach
This technical note relates to the tax gap toolkit, which includes code (Stata do files) and a README file (how to run the code). The note describes the literature and methodology behind the development of the toolkit. The tax gap toolkit is related...
Tax gap workshop series
In October, UNU-WIDER convenes a series of tax gap workshops as part of the ongoing Tax research for development project. These workshops are designed to build the capacity of national tax administrators in estimating and addressing the tax gap—the...
Wed, 2 October 2024
Wed, 30 October 2024
Past event