Conference papers from the Inequality - measurement, trends, impacts, and policies conference

Parallel 1.2: Middle classes and polarization

Alice Krozer  Krozer.pdf

Khalid Abu-Ismail and Niranjan Sarangi  Abu-Ismail_Sarangi.pdf

Fabio Clementi  Clementi.pdf


Parallel 1.3: The poorest and most excluded

Lars Peter Østerdal  Osterdal.pdf

Suman Seth

Laura Rodriguez Takeuchi  Rodriguez_Takeuchi.pdf


Parallel 1.4: Theoretical approaches

Roselinde Kessels  Kessels.pdf

Christophe Muller  Muller.pdf

Tuuli Ylinen  Ylinen.pdf


Parallel 2.2: Special Session on South Africa 1

Murray Leibbrandt  Leibbrandt.pdf

Joshua Greenstein  Greenstein.pdf

Reinhard Schiel  Schiel.pdf

Martin Wittenberg  Wittenberg.pdf


Parallel 2.3: Country experiences

Chetan Ghate  Ghate.pdf

Michael Grimm  Grimm.pdf

Andrew McKay

Sreenivasan Subramanian  Subramanian.pdf


Parallel 2.4: Behavioural foundations

Hayford M. Ayerakwa  Ayerakwa.pdf

Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse  Seyoum_Taffesse.pdf

Mariano Rojas  Rojas.pdf

Jacques Silber  Silber.pdf


Parallel 3.2: Special Session on South Africa 2

Andrew Kerr

C. Friedrich Kreuser  Kreuser.pdf

Miquel Pellicer  Pellicer.pdf

Laura Rossouw  Rossouw.pdf


Parallel 3.3: The impact of policies on inequality

Nauro Ferreira Campos  Campos.pdf

Mausumi Kar  Kar.pdf

José María Larrú  Larru.pdf

James E. Foster  Foster.pdf


Parallel 3.4: Mobility

Liliana Cano  Cano.pdf

Dante Contreras  Contreras.pdf

Sowmya Dhanaraj  Dhanaraj.pdf

Kenneth Harttgen  Harttgen.pdf


Parallel 4.2: Dynamics

Francis Menjo Baye  Baye.pdf

John Landon-Lane  Landon-Lane.pdf

Patrizia Luongo  Luongo.pdf


Parallel 4.3: New approaches to measurement

Robert Duval Hernández  Duval_Hernandez.pdf

Rocio Garcia-Diaz  Garcia-Diaz.pdf

Laurence Roope  Roope.pdf


Parallel 4.4: Inequality, gender and nutrition

Mohammad Zulfan Tadjoeddin  Tadjoeddin.pdf

Richard Mussa  Mussa.pdf

Blessing M. Chiripanhura  Chiripanhura.pdf


Parallel 5.1: Progress in data and measurement

Béatrice Halbach  Halbach.pdf

Rahul Lahoti  Lahoti.pdf

Miguel Niño-Zarazúa  Nino-Zarazua.pdf

David Sahn  Sahn.pdf


Poster session

Shiva Raj Adhikaris  Adhikaris.pdf
Therese F. Azeng  Azeng.pdf
Gargi Bhattacharya Das  Bhattacharya_Das.pdf
Paolo Brunori  Brunori.pdf
Carla Canelas  Canelas.pdf
Blessing M. Chiripanhura  Chiripanhura.pdf
M. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury  Chowdhury.pdf
Chika Ezeanya  Ezeanya.pdf
Ellen Hillbom  Hillbom.pdf
Gilles Quentin Kane  Kane.pdf
Vincent Leyaro  Leyaro.pdf
Kristi Mahrt
Tuomas Malinen  Malinen.pdf
Susan Namirembe Kavuma  Namirembe_Kavuma.pdf
Yawo Noglo  Noglo.pdf
Smriti Sharma  Sharma.pdf
Katharina Trapp  Trapp.pdf
Elina Tuominen  Tuominen.pdf
Sui Yang  Yang.pdf