Parallel session
Racial justice, statistical visibility and social and economic inequalities in Afro-Colombian population with Semillero del Pacífico

Special event 2 | Room 5: Wednesday, 5 October 2022, 14:00-15:30 (UTC-5)

Juan Camilo Cárdenas leads a conversation with Misión afro together with students from Semillero del Pacífico


14:00-15:30 (UTC-5)

Juan Camilo Cárdenas | Moderator

Juan Camilo Cárdenas is affiliated with UNIANDES.

Ana Margarita Gonzalez | Presenter

Ana Margarita Gonzalez is affiliated with ILEX Acción jurídica.

Leyner Mosquera | Presenter

Leyner Mosquera is affiliated with the Ministry of Financia and Semillero del Pacífico.

Kandya Obezo | Presenter

Kandya Obezo is affiliated with The London School of Economics and Political Science.