SOUTHMOD online training course

Welcome to the SOUTHMOD online training course, an engaging introductory course designed to equip you with foundational skills in tax-benefit microsimulation models, specifically in the context of Global South countries.
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This open-access course is ideal for anyone new to the field of microsimulation or those seeking to refresh their knowledge, catering specifically to users of the SOUTHMOD model family, which includes models for countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. The course structure includes 10 comprehensive modules featuring video lectures, multiple-choice questions, and practical modeling exercises. Participants who complete all modules and exercises will receive a SOUTHMOD Training Certificate. To participate effectively, you will need to download and use the latest version of the EUROMOD software, freely available online, and DEVMOD—a training model that uses fully synthetic data but resembles existing SOUTHMOD models (see side panel).

The course aims to introduce key concepts of tax-benefit modelling in Global South countries, familiarize participants with the SOUTHMOD project and model bundle, and provide guidance on implementing tax and benefit policies. 

Tax-benefit microsimulation models are invaluable tools that enable policymakers and researchers to assess the impacts of various policy scenarios on poverty, inequality, and government revenue, playing a crucial role in shaping social protection systems and public finance strategies in Global South countries. 

Join us at SOUTHMOD Online Training to gain insights and skills that will enhance your ability to inform policymaking and promote inclusive development. For more information on accessing the models or applying for data sets, visit our course access and materials section.

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