
Theme: 2014-15
UNU-WIDER and The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) co-organized a project coordination meeting on the Biofuel growth opportunities in Southern Africa project on 22 January 2016 in Pretoria. The aim was for the researchers involved in the project to discuss their contributions and a common research approach.
The meeting was attended by researchers engaged in the project from National Treasury of South Africa, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute, and the Research Centre for Agricultural and Food Policies and Programmes –CEPPAG of Eduardo Mondlane University.
The Biofuel growth opportunities in Southern Africa project is a component of a larger project titled Regional growth and development in Southern Africa. The project aims to move forward understanding of the biofuels futures in Southern African countries by exploring both economic and social dimensions of integrating regional markets.