Code development training for Tanzania Revenue authority

20 January 2021

Code development training for Tanzania Revenue authority

Wed, 20 January 2021

UNU-WIDER organized an online code development training workshop using the Stata statistical software for the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) staff on 20 January 2021.

The objective of the training was to build the technical capacity of the TRA staff through training on Stata code development by using data from a pilot study currently underway. Specifically, the training focused on importing raw data in Stata from excel, on cleaning the data and coding/renaming the variables, and on the analysis and interpretation of the data.   

A total of 14 participants participated in the online training. Participants were mainly from the TRA research, policy and planning department (RPPD). The training was facilitated by UNU-WIDER Research Associate Amina Ebrahim and researcher, Heikki Palviainen, from the University of Tampere.

The training was part of UNU-WIDER's Building up efficient and fair tax systems – lessons based on administrative tax data project. This was the first session of a series of Stata training sessions to be organized with the revenue specialists in the partner countries. The pilot study covered in this training is also expected to be published in the coming months.