Seminar — Development Effectiveness: New Ideas, New Challenges

Development Effectiveness: New Ideas, New Challenges

Thu, 19 January 2012

UNU-WIDER Seminar on Development Effectiveness: New Ideas, New Challenges at the Development Policy Department of MFA Finland

  • what works for development and what could work

  • what experiences can be transferred between countries and what are the tensions and trade-offs

  • social protection and poverty

  • new challenges arising from the natural resources sectors

  • promotion of democracy and good governance

Opening and Welcome by Heidi Hautala, Finland's Minister for International Development

Tony Addison, Chief Economist/Deputy Director, UNU-WIDER
Danielle Resnick, Research Fellow, UNU-WIDER
Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Research Fellow, UNU-WIDER

Seminar - Development Effectiveness - New Ideas, New Challanges 19 January 2012.pdf