Domestic savings mini workshop for country case authors
This project workshop brought together the authors responsible for the country case studies of The domestic savings shortfall in developing countries – what can be done about it? project. The country studies will be included in a book volume on domestic savings in developing countries.
The book will aim to increase knowledge about (i) the key drivers of domestic saving rates in Sub-Saharan Africa; (ii) whether alternative approaches, such as pension funds or fintech, could provide new solutions to increase domestic savings, (iii) lessons learnt from the experiences so far in different countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, and iv) what can Sub-Saharan learn from the experience of other regions which have been more successful in raising savings rates.
In this workshop the members of the project team at UNU-WIDER and eight authors of the country case studies gathered together to discuss the guidelines and the content of the studies. The workshop also included a STATA training session on specific country level data sets.
The project on domestic savings is implemented by UNU-WIDER in partnership with the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), with financial support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), and is part of a larger Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) programme.