First PERUMOD training and launch event
As part of the SOUTHMOD project, the national team at Universidad del Pacífico in collaboration with UNU-WIDER and International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science organizes the first training and launch event on the PERUMOD model. The workshop provides participants with comprehensive training to use the tax-benefit microsimulation model effectively.
The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction to potential users of the PERUMOD simulation tool on its components, potential advantages and possible applications. The training will place particular emphasis on showing how the model can be used for policy analysis on topics related to taxation and social protection.
The training is targeted at governmental officials from the Tax Revenue Service in Peru (SUNAT), Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE). The training is attended by 12 participants.
The training is followed by a launch event. The launch event includes presentations by Javier Torres from Universidad del Pacífico and H. Xavier Jara from the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as a panel discussion with the participation of Joanna Kamiche and Carlos Casas from Universidad del Pacífico.
Tax-benefit microsimulation models — which combine representative household-level data on incomes and expenditures and detailed coding of tax and benefit legislation — have proven to be an extremely useful tool for policy makers and researchers. The models apply user-defined tax and benefit policy rules to microdata on individuals and households and calculate the effects of these rules on household income. The effects of different policy scenarios on poverty, inequality, and government revenues can be analysed and compared.
PERUMOD is a new model in the SOUTHMOD tax-benefit microsimulation model family. PERUMOD users can simulate hypothetical reforms of the tax-benefit system of Peru. They can estimate, for example, the number of beneficiaries and analyse the characteristics of the prospective recipients of a benefit. PERUMOD also allows users to implement hypothetical income tax and social security reforms and calculate their effects on the government budget.
This workshop is part of the SOUTHMOD - simulating tax and benefit policies for development project. SOUTHMOD project is part of UNU-WIDER's research and capacity development programme on domestic revenue mobilization (DRM), funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).