UNU-WIDER Interview Series: David RichardsThe intricate dynamic between foreign aid to Africa, democratic transitions and consolidation is the topic of a series of research papers being published under the ReCom Governance & Fragility theme.
Contact person
UNU-WIDER focal points:
Finn Tarp, Director
Tony Addison, Chief Economist and Deputy Director
Project Assistant:
Janis Vehmaan-Kreula
Media contact:
Lorraine Telfer-Taivainen lorraine(at)wider.unu.edu
We need to know more about what works in foreign aid, where it works well, and why it can succeed. This is imperative for aid to contribute to development, complement national strategies, and deliver value for money. With many aid donors committed to scaling up their assistance, and the arrival of new donors, aid is an increasingly complex set of activities. Creating and communicating knowledge on aid practices and impacts is of benefit to all — especially for recipient countries. This meeting will reflect on what aid has done, can do, and can do better.
UNU-WIDER gratefully acknowledges special project contributions from the governments of Denmark (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Sweden (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency—Sida) for the Foreign Aid: Research and Communication (ReCom) programme. UNU-WIDER also acknowledges core financial support from the governments of Finland (Ministry for Foreign Affairs), the United Kingdom (Department for International Development), and the governments of Denmark and Sweden.
Please refer to the research page for more information.