From fragility to resilience

Kunal Sen joins a roundtable event hosted by Foreign Policy

From fragility to resilience – Kunal Sen joins roundtable event hosted by Foreign Policy

Tue, 7 February 2023

On 7 February, Kunal Sen joins the virtual roundtable event 'From fragility to resilience' hosted by Foreign Policy in partnership with Food for the Hungry.

The pandemic and recent Russian invasion of Ukraine —compounded by soaring inflation, supply chain disruptions, a food crisis, and rising geopolitical tensions— have wreaked havoc on global markets, increasing pressure on the world’s most fragile and conflict-affected countries.

Strengthening fragile states’ capacities to weather current headwinds, as well as long-term
challenges like climate change and adapting to demographic change, is essential to fostering greater stability and prosperity.

The discussion is led by Allison Carlson, Managing Director of FP Analytics, Foreign Policy’s independent research division, and includes experts and leaders from around the world, for an intimate, invitation-only conversation to discuss how the public and private sectors can work together on resilience efforts and materially change realities on the ground in fragile countries.