Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture
Announcement of International Conference: Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture. (484.02 kilobytes)
Climatic constraints play a predominant role in the performance of national agricultures and their capacity to support economic growth and assure food security for the population. With the climate changes and projected inter and intra annual fluctuations, management of the agricultural sector takes a particular dimension including management of risks inherent in the sector and searching for sustainable growth for the sector. Agricultural policies must permit a continual adaption of the processes of agricultural production and a reduction of negative effects of climate change in order to assure food security for the population.
In the face of climate change, the adaptation strategies can generate important development opportunities. Also, governments have need for pertinent evaluations of the impacts of climate change.
Considering the importance of this problem; to permit an exchange of ideas among professional staff, researchers, and specialists in the domain of development; to contribute to a richer understanding of methods and analytical tools; and to contribute to better preparation of decision making in this domain—the Moroccan Association of Agricultural Economics (AMAEco) in collaboration with the International Association of Agricultural Economics (IAAE) and the World Institute For Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER) are organizing an international conference 6-7 December in Rabat, Morocco under the theme: Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture.
The principal themes proposed are the following:
1. Analysis of the impacts of climate change on agriculture: simulations and projections
2. Climate change and sustainability of agricultural production systems
3. Adaption strategies for agriculture in the face of climate change: systems of production, risks in agriculture, and policies for food security
4. Water management in the context of climate change

Address of the Moroccan Association of Agricultural Economics:
Département des sciences humaines
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II
B.P. 6202‐Instituts, 10101 Rabat, Maroc
Telephone +(212) 5 37 77 74 35
Fax +(212) 5 37 77 74 93
Language for submission of papers: French and English.